Health Supplements

I use vitamins and other health products, a Canadian friend introduced me to usana a few months ago, you may not have heard of them. I am young and healthy, I eat well and I do a lot of running and exercise but have taken extra vitamins for a few years now. For extra peace of mind I guess. Usana’s products are highly rated in terms of bioavailability and potency which means they are easily absorbed into the body. If you are going to spend money on vitamins then do some research into what is available out there. Don’t waste your money.

Tell us which manufacturer. Inquiring, desperate minds want to know.

Me, I recommend:

Centrum’s multivitamin coupled with:

glucosamine (if u have joint issues)

omega 3 (‘healthy’ oil)

vitamin c (anti-oxidant, etc.)

conenzyme q-10 (heart health)

Also something called Greens if you’re not getting enough… greens.

If you want a volume, wholesale type US manufacturer, check out VitaminWorld.

But just stop eating crap. You know that’s the real problem. Yeah, I’m talking to you. You know who you are. Stop it. Just stop.

Please tell me of these wondrous vitamins that you speak of

And please, tell me of the exciting and lucrative financial benefits of selling them to my friends, colleagues and strangers on internet forums :slight_smile:

Hey, thanks a lot for recommending Usana. Yes, I have heard of this company. Unfortunately, the stock has been severely hit recently due to an article alleging fraudulent practices by Usana.

I guess, for now, I will stick with Vitaminworld. The word is still out on this jury I guess.

Good luck and good health!!

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

I have been using Vitamins and other health supplements from a North American manufacturer for a few months now and I can really feel the benefits. Before I always used the so called famous brands, Centrum, GNC and Kirkland etc, that was until a friend recommended the products I am using now and more importantly told me why I should change. There are also combinations you can take if you have a specific health issue.
I would be more than happy to give you more details. E-mail me at or call me after 7pm 0926962902 or PM me.

Better yet, Chris, since you’re interested in selling worthless garbage to strangers by way of the internet, maybe we can sign you up for some interesting email promotions that may help you hone your techniques (or enlarge your penis). :wink:

Thanks for the info, for me personally I am more concerned with the product I am taking. You seem to know your stuff so purchase the guide book i mentioned, they have a web site you can order it from. Usanas base product is called Essentials, so check it out on their web site product info. always good to compare

Hey Chris,

which vitamins and health supplements do you personally use? I’d love to know more about your daily regimen and what improvements you’ve noted since you began to use them.

Let’s compare notes, my friend!

Care to tell us what exactly you have been taking and precisely what benefits you feel?

Just curious, because I get everything I need from my food. Have you considered eating a balanced diet instead of wasting your money on supplements?

Usana you say…Hmmm…having been in that particular business…I thought that rang a bell (or sent up a flag)

Read more here:

Woah interesting stuff about USANA

I used to work in a courier firm loading trucks from 5am to midday every day. The pay was great but the work was very exhausting…

A friend sold me some USANA and the difference was very noticable, almost straight away. I had energy left after working, my digestion and complexion improved, and dare I say it - my libido even experience improvements

Mother Theresa, I understand your viewpoint, but at that time I was eating a balanced, fairly healthy diet. Lots of vegetables, fruit etc and I dislike fast food as a rule.

I changed jobs soon after and lost contact with my ‘supplier’ and forgot about USANA or health supplements until I came to Taiwan

When I first arrived, I suffered adjustment problems such as gastro issues, general ill health and a lingering flu that started soon after I arrived here. A bout with chronic bronchitis in Thailand in January was also another problem that I went through

So I remembered back to some advice my doc gave me - take some vitamins to bolster my immune system. I ordered some USANA Essentials and have been happy with the effects

Since taking them again, I havent had one flu, cough,sniffle etc despite my colleagues all suffering through a few bad outbreaks. I sleep better, my digestion has improved, but the most important effect is the change in my energy levels.

When I started teaching (5 hour days, 8 to 12 year olds) I was always exhausted and grumpy by the time I went home, but now I have energy to spare and I jump around, act like an idiot, sing, use puppets etc… Basically the children entertainer role that the boss likes…

So - in summary. I was very sceptical about health supplements… Until I tried them. Im not saying that USANA is the best in the world (despite their PR blather), but it certainly made a very real difference in my general health and energy levels

Also - the fraud issues regarding USANA seem to be more in regards to their business model/plan of which I was never interested… I think network marketing is a pox on society :slight_smile:

Since taking no additional vitamins for many years I have had no flu and only once a year some sniffle during a couple of days, rest and hot drinks, aspirine will help me through it … I don’t post covered spam …

God damn… I feel like a pie after every time you post, Belgian Pie:)

PM me your shops address ok? I cant wait to try some of them out

Funny, you don’t look like a pie. You look like a monkey with a beard.

Sweet talker!

Now… about those pies…