Last couple of days I wondered about the heavy smog … it’s not haze, or mist it’s different … the view from my rooftop is limited to 1-2 km … really bad … and it makes me breath more difficult.
Yeah, it’s pretty hazy from 17th floor Taipei.
Dust from China.
Mixed with smoke from the tombgrassburning festival going on out here, cough
I thought the air would ignite last night.
Hey that rhymes.
It’s not easy ya know.
Not long ago, the EPA suggested that Chinese factories are to blame:
You may not have heard, but on Wednesday evening they had to redirect or cancel incoming and outgoing flights at CKS Airport - all of them went to Kaohsiung or stayed flat on the ground. That was how serious it got then.
Anyway, even walking on the street it looks nasty. Ewwwwww.
“Nasty” is the right word. Too bad Taiwan is not on this NASA image from February 6:
“China’s air pollution problems are function of its rapidly developing economy. With an energy infrastructure dominated by coal-burning power plants and a dramatic increase in private vehicle ownership over the past decade, the country has experienced a deterioration in air quality, a problem which spills over national boundaries.”
But let’s not blame the Chinese. They’re just working hard so that one day, the average Chinese can afford to drive is V6 or V8 SUV in the city and fly around the world like we do.
To add something constructive: Have a look at to calculate the greenhouse gases caused by your flights and donate money to GHG-reducing projects.
That’s nice. It costs me 8,000 ntd in environmental damage to go home.
[quote=“superemma”]You may not have heard, but on Wednesday evening they had to redirect or cancel incoming and outgoing flights at CKS Airport - all of them went to Kaohsiung or stayed flat on the ground. That was how serious it got then.
Anyway, even walking on the street it looks nasty. Ewwwwww.[/quote]
I was in HK airport on Tuesday evening to take a flight to TPE and all the evening flights were grounded. One of the planes that departed from HK at 5.00pm was not allowed to land and was forced to turn back to HK! All that backed up flights and delayed passengers - I only got a flight out of HK the NEXT day at 5.35pm. The whole affair was dealt with very poorly, there were no meal vouchers, no clear instructions, horrid horrid horrid! :raspberry:
[quote=“mlpgd”][quote=“superemma”]You may not have heard, but on Wednesday evening they had to redirect or cancel incoming and outgoing flights at CKS Airport - all of them went to Kaohsiung or stayed flat on the ground. That was how serious it got then.
Anyway, even walking on the street it looks nasty. Ewwwwww.[/quote]
I was in HK airport on Tuesday evening to take a flight to TPE and all the evening flights were grounded. One of the planes that departed from HK at 5.00pm was not allowed to land and was forced to turn back to HK! All that backed up flights and delayed passengers - I only got a flight out of HK the NEXT day at 5.35pm. The whole affair was dealt with very poorly, there were no meal vouchers, no clear instructions, horrid horrid horrid! :raspberry:[/quote]
what airline? and did you get a free room.
2 Flights were diverted to Songshan, then everyone packed into busses back to Taoyuan to go through immigration :s Is this standard ? Can they really not do immigration at Songshan ?
wow i have heard of that happening but not for years !!! And yes, they dont have immigration at Sungshan and cant get the staff to do it (donno why they cant just move staff over from tAOYUAN airport by bus to do the job tho). so yes , they have done it this way before. Seems funny tho. Seems its a lot easier to let all the jets into sungshan and bus over the customs and immigration people??
What kinda jet you on? its been a long time since sungshan got the 747 and other biggies.
I’m really impressed by the way people are reacting to the smog cloud today, by burning paper money.
Fucking stupid peasants. :fume: :grrr: :raspberry:
Although it has the necessary equipment, SongShan apparently is only available for customs clearance for chartered commercial aircraft.
yesterday, there was a huge fire near where i work (shulin).
the smoke from the fire blended in nicely with the existing haze.
i was shocked how quickly the black smoke seemed to dissipate…guess it wasn’t a terribly different color than the air it was mixing with…lol.
Although it has the necessary equipment, SongShan apparently is only available for customs clearance for chartered commercial aircraft.[/quote]
sung shan has become pretty saturated already for domestic flights. im not sure it could handle A LOT of international flights (or more domestic flights). Its got a single runway and its a pretty short runway. Its not THAT SAFE because of its short length for big jumbo types like 747, 340, 330. I held my breath one time while watching a sinapore airlines 747 land. It had already gone past 50pct of the runway and i was afraid it wouldnt be able to stop on the remaining but it did !!
a lot of people want china flights to go from there, but i dont think that will happen because china flights will become huge. Probably something like 20 to 30 flights a day once it really gets rolling.
they used to let foreign VIP flights land there tho and probably still could .
But it really is a bit less safe then TaipeiTaoyuan, I think it was considered a “black star” airport like Hongkongs Kaitak (although not quite as dramatic as kaitak).
the only bad bout TAoyuan is that it often gets fogged in. TAipei is too short and has some cross winds at times thats a bit hairy, plus that Taipei 101 is an obstruction to watch out for (could be dangerous in fog). Taoyuan gets fogged in.
HK has its problems. Kaitak was a bit hairy to be sure, and now Chep Lap Kok has crosswind issues, but is still safer then kaitak overall
Last week, I went out to Guandu on Friday (I think). It was really weird. The Taipei basin was really smoggy (i.e. you could barely see 101 from Yuanshan), near Zhongyi station, it was fine. Climbing up Zhongyishan, it was fine. At the top, I could see fog on the Danshui river and Balishan was obscured at times. So it was smog and fog.
This week, though, it’s nasty. My throat hurts.