I need to find instrumental versions of the following songs. Can any of you technical guru’s help me to get them with the least amount of fuss possible…?
I need instrumental versions of…
Walk on by. A Franklin.
Cry me a river. J Timberlake.
Toy Soldiers. Eminem.
Travelling soldier. Dixie Chicks.
Don’t stop moving. S Club 7.
They aren’t for Tom, they are for the children. Someone please think of the children!
[quote=“TomHill”]I need to find instrumental versions of the following songs. Can any of you technical guru’s help me to get them with the least amount of fuss possible…?
I need instrumental versions of…
Walk on by. A Franklin.
Cry me a river. J Timberlake.
Toy Soldiers. Eminem.
Travelling soldier. Dixie Chicks.
Don’t stop moving. S Club 7.
They aren’t for Tom, they are for the children. Someone please think of the children![/quote]
Teaching Eminem to children? Maybe we should call your headmaster and report you for corruptng your charges with really bad poetry. How’s that for thinking of the children. Worse yet…Justin Timberlake? Are you a nancy-boy?
I think I may have to start a “STOP TomHill before he teaches again” campaign.
[quote=“Toe Save”][quote=“TomHill”]I need to find instrumental versions of the following songs. Can any of you technical guru’s help me to get them with the least amount of fuss possible…?
I need instrumental versions of…
Walk on by. A Franklin.
Cry me a river. J Timberlake.
Toy Soldiers. Eminem.
Travelling soldier. Dixie Chicks.
Don’t stop moving. S Club 7.
They aren’t for Tom, they are for the children. Someone please think of the children![/quote]
Teaching Eminem to children? Maybe we should call your headmaster and report you for corruptng your charges with really bad poetry. How’s that for thinking of the children. Worse yet…Justin Timberlake? Are you a nancy-boy?
I think I may have to start a “STOP TomHill before he teaches again” campaign. [/quote]
It’s a favour for another teacher. I am teaching my young thugs the following skills: Mandarin (kid you not), Myths and Legends (Greek mostly), Child development, and English. Proud of me, be you.