Help someone who should know more!

I’ve resisted the whole ‘chat’ thing for years, but it appears to be indispensable if I want to be able to function in Taiwan. Problem is I have no idea where to start.

I have this MSN thingy on the computer I habitually use, but I move around a lot and find myself working from various computers in different places. Inevitably I find that MSN is logged in, in Chinese, to someone else’s account whenever I sit down and unlogging it in order to try and find out how it works is waaaay too hard.

I know nothing about how all this works, skype too. What do I do to get started?

Thanks in advance.

the easy part is typing the message on your computer and printing it out; the hard part is attaching it to the pigeon’s leg and getting him to fly in the right direction. but once you’ve got the basics down, you’re good to go.

[please ignore this post]