Sorry for the dramatic opener. Basically I have about 3 weeks left on my travel visa and I’m still to get a job I want. I’m essentially looking for uni work, you see.
Some questions I would really like definitive answers too (Itried searching for ARC but it’s mentioned too much)
if I start applying for my ARC and my visa runs out mid-apply, what happens?
If i just take any old job (a serious proposition at this point) and wait for something better, what happens to my ARC when I quit job 1?
I’ve been offered a job teaching kids at a buxiban. The woman claims it is 5 hours a week, teaching small kids and the ARC would be in the name of another school but the same group of schools. All of this sounds really dodgy to me.
I ask her these questions.
is 5 hours a week enough to get an ARC?
isn’t it a bit dodgy having my ARC named school another school?
Am I allowed to teach small kids?
to which she answered
yes, no problem
no because it’s the same company, just another branch
Yes, other teachers are working for 2.5 years with no problems, if you have problem it is also problem for school, don’t worry.
I should steer clear of this gig, right? But I really want my ARC before the bloody visa runs out. I’ve been here for 2 months now with no sign of a job despite my MA in TESOL. Things are getting desperate.
if I start applying for my ARC and my visa runs out mid-apply, what happens? You will have to leave the country on a visa run, for example to Hong Kong.
If i just take any old job (a serious proposition at this point) and wait for something better, what happens to my ARC when I quit job 1? Transfers are possible, but only if Job 1 is reasonable and wishes to go along with this. If they are b******s, as they usually are, they will not cooperate and you may be in another visa run situation.
I’ve been offered a job teaching kids at a buxiban. The woman claims it is 5 hours a week, teaching small kids and the ARC would be in the name of another school but the same group of schools. All of this sounds really dodgy to me. It is my understanding that teaching kindergarten is illegal in Taiwan. This is one of the ways employers get around the law.
I ask her these questions.
is 5 hours a week enough to get an ARC? No…I think the minimum is 14 a week
isn’t it a bit dodgy having my ARC named school another school? Yes, but this is Taiwan, it is typical and expected
Am I allowed to teach small kids? Kindie? I don’t think so. I am pretty sure it’s illegal, hence #2.
to which she answered
yes, no problem BS
no because it’s the same company, just another branch i.e. we are lying to the authorities so that you can illegally teach kindie at our school
Yes, other teachers are working for 2.5 years with no problems, if you have problem it is also problem for school, don’t worry. i.e. we have been able to break the law consistently for a few years now, so “meiyou wenti.”
thanks for the speedy reply. I really appreciate it.
So basically I’m being lied to on the premise that, there isn’t much chance that someone will come to check the school. However if someone does come to check to, or reports me, I’ll be royally screwed…(I assume?)
I’m just curious why she thinks 5 hours is ok if it isn’t? Surely she must know that the ARC app will be rejected?
I was also thinking about applying to do a course here until such time as a good job comes along. If I did this and changed froma student ARC to a worker ARC would this also involve a VISA run?
Straight answers above.
Answer to your edit question is that, last I heard, you can not change from student to work without a departure. A friend ran into this first hand last year.
I got a job reccently and am going to leave the country at the end of the week.
I thought it would be wise to apply for the ARC BEFORE I leave, however the company says that they will apply when I get back…doesn’t this mean I’ll just have to leave the country AGAIN?
I got a job reccently and am going to leave the country at the end of the week.
I thought it would be wise to apply for the ARC BEFORE I leave, however the company says that they will apply when I get back…doesn’t this mean I’ll just have to leave the country AGAIN?[/quote]
The employer doesn’t apply for your ARC. The employer applies for a work permit and you use the work permit to get a resident visa, which you then convert to an ARC.
Yes, if they apply for the work permit after you get back you will have to leave again. They should start applying straight away. One option would be to leave and wait overseas for the work permit application to be approved. From what I have seen, the required documents can be faxed to you for use in your visa application.
I got a job reccently and am going to leave the country at the end of the week.
I thought it would be wise to apply for the ARC BEFORE I leave, however the company says that they will apply when I get back…doesn’t this mean I’ll just have to leave the country AGAIN?[/quote]
The employer doesn’t apply for your ARC. The employer applies for a work permit and you use the work permit to get a resident visa, which you then convert to an ARC.
Yes, if they apply for the work permit after you get back you will have to leave again. They should start applying straight away. One option would be to leave and wait overseas for the work permit application to be approved. From what I have seen, the required documents can be faxed to you for use in your visa application.[/quote]
ok, thanks for the advice.
so I’ve been given a ‘proof of employment’ type for and told to go and apply for an ARC. Trouble is I don’t have a resident’s VISA at all!
I told them this and they are all like ‘no no it’s fine, just go and apply here and you’ll get your ARC’, this is a government institution but I still don’t trust them and I don’t want to have to make two trips. Is it really the case that the ‘resident’s visa’ is not actually something that goes in your passport?
They’re talking shite. Without a resident visa (yes, its a piece of paper pasted into your passport), you cannot apply for an ARC.
When they say “here” where are they referring to?
[quote=“sandman”]They’re talking shite. Without a resident visa (yes, its a piece of paper pasted into your passport), you cannot apply for an ARC.
When they say “here” where are they referring to?[/quote]
I think that’s what they’ll do. They’ll issue your visa, after which you’ll have a certain period of time (14 days I think) in which you must go to the Immigration Affairs office, taking with you all your paperwork – work permit, employment certificate, health certificate, visa, passport, a couple of photos, your grandmother’s birth certificate, proof that your penis is of sufficient length, that kind of thing – and THEY’LL issue your ARC.
As of April 1st you can no longer convert a visitor visa into a residency visa.
You must arrive with either a work visa or arrive on a visitor visa, find a school you like in your 60 days and then leave to get your work visa which can then be converted into a residency visa.
Trust me, I just found out today that I missed the deadline to get my application processed.
My work permit has been issued by Taipei but Taizhung will not allow a residency visa to be issued because I entered on a visitor visa. Just to top it all off my visa runs out on Friday and I’m seriously pissed off…