Quite an honor for his bravery and gallant actions.
[quote]Hero Para is in line for VC
Monday, 16th October 2006, Chris Osuh
GONG: McKinley.
A PARATROOPER from Manchester has been nominated for the Victoria Cross for saving the life of a wounded American soldier while under fire from the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Private Peter McKinley, 21, could become only the second living serviceman in 40 years to be awarded Britain’s highest military honour.
He endured a 15-minute barrage of grenades and machine-gun fire as he treated the US serviceman during one of the fiercest battles of the current campaign fought by the 3rd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment.
Army chiefs are now putting his name forward for a VC for the “massive act of bravery”. Pte McKinley was one of 100 Paras sent from their base to rescue an American supply convoy ambushed by Taliban fighters at Sangin in northern Helmand province.
The Paras formed a defensive cordon around the Americans, but as night descended, dozens of Taliban, armed with rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns, launched a blistering attack. Two American soldiers were badly wounded when grenades tore into the jeep where they were sheltering.
First-aider Pte McKinley heard their desperate screams for help and ran across open ground to the vehicle as enemy rounds whistled overhead.
He found the American sergeant had suffered serious facial injuries and other wounds including a broken arm, a neck injury, and fragments in his legs.
Pte McKinley said: “They were still firing at us when I ran back to the Humvee. The sergeant was in a pretty bad way but my training just kicked in and I spent about 15 minutes looking after his wounds, stemming the blood and keeping his airway clear.”
Major Will Pike, the commander of A Company, described the soldier’s actions as “massively impressive”. He added: “He was very brave while completely disregarding his own safety. He also treated the American soldier beyond the level that as team medic he is expected to perform. We have a lot of private soldiers who are very young and just out of training but have proved very steady under fire.”
To earn the VC soldiers have to display conspicuous bravery or daring or perform a prominent “act of valour or self-sacrifice in the face of the enemy”.
An MoD spokesman said: “We can confirm Pte McKinley provided medical treatment to a US soldier whilst under sustained attack.”
Manchester Evening News[/quote]