Hi Everyone!

Hi, :slight_smile:

I just want to say hello to everyone on the forum. I’m a new member here.
I wish to meet many nice people around here.

See you around ! :dance:

Okay la! Happy la! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Tell us a bit about yourself :slight_smile:

Where are you from originally? What do you do in Shinjuang?

Im a newbie too, this is a fantastic forum. It has already saved me many tears of frustration :wink:

I’m originally from France. I teach English in Shinjuang in Joy.
I’ve been teaching English over the past 4 years that i’ve been in Taiwan.

I’d like to meet people from Shinjuang too if there are some. Others are also welcome. don’t worry !!!

Me and my friends would like to go Karting. We like racing, and i’m also a former racer. I’d like to know one place where we could have fun around Taipei. YOu would be welcome to join us !

Please let me know. Thanks

I finally get to call people noobs…


Well I’m still planning to go to Taiwan so if any of u wanna IM me - I am always looking to make more friends!

Welcome :slight_smile: