High Court Anti-Corruption Unit--job well done

I had a strong feeling the charges against First Lady Wu and the various aides were going to happen. I know High Court Prosecutor Eric Chen (Chen Jiu-Jen) personally and he has done an outstanding job of organizing the High Court Anti-Corruption Squad (which he modeled on New York city’s unit) and he used a tactic that American prosecutors often do; the lull and strike approach.

How this works, and it is often used in organized crime or white collar crimes, is prosecutors start investigation, call in the various scumbags (i.e. Wu et. al.) and then to lull them into not fleeing and or getting a bit more loose lipped make a pronouncement that no charges will be filed. Then once the case is as strong as it is going to get—drop the hammer.

The High Court “Vice Squad” did an outstanding job and deserves major congratulations. Eric Chen should start driving around town in a Ferrari just like Sonny Crocket used to in the old Miami Vice show. Seriously though, fine job. I like and respect tough independent, skilled prosecutors like Prosecutor Eric Chen and the rest of the crew at the High Court Anti-Corruption Unit. Kick ass and take names, that is the way to do it.

Take care,
Brian Kennedy
Former Imperial County Deputy District Attorney

Was the prosecutor also involved in the voucher case? If yes, that was pretty cleaver to drop a weak case (although I still think there is a tax case there), so he could not be accused of being partial, and then drop the hammer. :cop:

Brian -
Is it correct that no formal charges, relating to his possibe collusion in this matter, may/can be brought against CSB until his term of office is finished?
Would his resignation or removal from office suffice to satisfy this regulation if it is correct?

Yeah, it is true that a sitting ROC president is immune from criminal prosecution. In a number of my classes there was discussion comparing that to the US situation. So, nailing A-Bian will have to wait. This immunity applies only as long as he is sitting (i.e. hold the presidency) thus if he steps down or is impeached his immunity evaporates.

And that leads to a potential problem. It is not clear whether the statute of limitations is tolled while he is in office or not. What this means in regular person talk is, all crimes have a period in which they must be prosecuted after the discovery of the crime (this is the statute of limitations). In some situations, for example if a bad guy runs away out of state, the clock stops running so to speak. It is not clear whether the clock stops during a sitting presidents incumbency.

So we shall see. And yes, Eric Chen was the prosecutor on the voucher case too (I think, I actually am not 100% of that).

Take care,

That freedom from prosecution extends to all legislators, don’t it? I seem to recall some years back a woeful tally of legislators avoiding some very serious crimes.


Brian -
Thanks. I agree with your kudos to Mr. Chen.
Those q’s came up when the wife and I were discussing this.
I keep reminding her not to ‘misunderestimate’ CSB and his group. They are professionals at this game.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]That freedom from prosecution extends to all legislators, don’t it? I seem to recall some years back a woeful tally of legislators avoiding some very serious crimes.


Well I mean it stands to reason that if you’re writing criminal laws that you’d stick in a clause exempting yourself from them. I know I would. :wink:

Actually what the deal is with the Den of Thieves (i.e. the Legislative Yuan) is that they can not be “bothered” or “distracted” by criminal proceedings (i.e. going to court, being summoned, starting their fucking jail terms or anything of that ilk)—while the legislature is in session. They can however be charged, and at any point in time aprox. 10% of that cesspool are under indictment. The other 90% have sufficiently covered their little green/blue/independant asses well enough to avoid indictment.

take care,

非凡 “Unique” business news just ran a story pointing out that Eric Chen 陳瑞仁 was part of the pro-democracy dangwai movement and is therefore by no means a KMT sockpuppet. Another ironic wrinkle to the case – for those who like irony.
