Hinet adsl sucks bigtime lately

link to results page … dslreports.com/archive/hinet.net?s=168&r=989

5650/470 Hinet.net 8000/684 hammerz Taiwan California, USA 30th 03:22 AM dynamic.hinet.net
Comment: Ka-BOOM…this is more like it!
5505/328 Hi-Net anon - California, USA 7th 12:45 AM dynamic.hinet.net
3965/318 HiNet.net 8000/640 anon 843 California, USA 2nd 03:55 PM dynamic.hinet.net
3258/1244 TWAirport anon 00000 California, USA 31st 05:48 PM dynamic.hinet.net
1457/213 Hi-Net anon - California, USA 8th 12:11 AM dynamic.hinet.net
1440/304 Hinet.net 8000/684 hammerz 40679 California, USA 30th 03:20 AM dynamic.hinet.net
1224/213 Hi-Net anon - California, USA 10th 05:17 PM dynamic.hinet.net
1097/472 hinet.net anon 330 Florida, USA 30th 06:04 PM dynamic.hinet.net
367/490 Hi-Net anon - New Jersey, USA 8th 01:55 PM dynamic.hinet.net
291/63 Hi-Net anon - Florida, USA 3rd 03:39 AM dynamic.hinet.net
274/36 Hi-Net anon - California, USA 3rd 11:47 PM dynamic.hinet.net
201/56 anon - California, USA 2nd 03:15 PM dynamic.hinet.net
168/200 Hi-Net anon 237 Florida, USA 10th 10:21 PM dynamic.hinet.net
146/121 Hi-Net anon - Florida, USA 9th 04:39 AM dynamic.hinet.net
146/121 Hi-Net anon - Florida, USA 9th 04:39 AM dynamic.hinet.net
101/36 Hinet.net 8000/684 hammerz Taiwan California, USA 30th 01:42 AM dynamic.hinet.net
76/355 Hi-Net anon - Florida, USA 8th 07:11 AM HINET-IP.hinet.net
75/401 Hi-Net anon - Florida, USA 5th 06:11 AM dynamic.hinet.net
75/142 Hi-Net anon - Florida, USA 10th 11:00 AM dynamic.hinet.net
38/6 Hi-Net anon - California, USA 7th 12:32 AM dynamic.hinet.net

Just look at above speeds and I guess most of them have a 8M/684k connection … They promise at least 2M but not even that is within reach with most …

I called their Taichung center and told them that every day Mon-Fri after 5-5:30 PM speed goes down to slower than 200K and weekends all day …

If they offer bandwidth than they should be able to keep the promise but I guess that infrastructure can not keep up with their marketing talk … :fume:

If you want to complain … PM me, I’ll give you a direct number to Taichung …

Uh…umm…this sort of thing is a worldwide phenomenon for island nations with limited pipes off island. You know if you were accessing Taiwan sites you might get something approaching this for sites that support these sorts of speeds. Outside of Taiwan everyones traffic gets bogged down and perhaps even limited by the equivilent of those lights on the on the freeways onramps in Taiwan that limit how much traffic merges onto the highway at any given time.

Also, you know between 5-5:30PM on weekdays the entire nation is doing something called muoyu, or wasting time for the last half hour in the office, or checking their email after being out of the office all day and coming back to punch their card etc.

What’s the point of an internet if you can only access national servers … think about it …
I don’t care about their problems and who is online when, promise is promise … they market 8M but promise at least 2M then in real life you only get 10% of that … what if I decide to pay only 10% of my fee?

Let’s say I run a restaurant and when it’s busy in the weekend and in the evening I only put 10% of the food on your plate becaus eit’s busy … :s you’ll complain and are not going to pay me …

They promise you speeds up to 8M, if the internet cannot provide those speeds it is not their fault, unless they owned all of the pipes off island as well as providing your 8M link to the internet. The same thing happens in Belgium I am sure that some Belgian ISP can provide you with a link from our PC to the rest of the internet at speeds faster than the rest of internet can link to you. Is that the ISPs fault? They have given you what you asked for, a super fast link to the internet.

I don’t care … I pay, I need want what I’m promised …

Or, maybe it’s their strategy … give the right speed the first months and than start dropping … if they complain we jack it up again … if not, suckers … we’ll be happy to take your money

Even off peak hours I don’t get the 8M anymore most ot the time … and please Hobart don’t bullshit about it …

[quote=“belgian pie”]Even off peak hours I don’t get the 8M anymore most ot the time … and please Hobart don’t bullshit about it …[/quote]Your expectations are not realistic. I use Hinet and I think it is 8M as well, but I wouldn’t expect to get those kind of speeds. If they gave you 64M for a good price, would you expect those speeds too? I use to have slower speed ADSL and you could see at times that they would artificially limit the speed as the speed of downloads for example would climb to a point and level off at their limit. Now at least I know I am getting the fastest speed possible even if it is not the 8M max permitted. Do you understand? The limitations are not on Hinet’s end, it is the speed of the pipes off the island and some of the foreign servers we are accessing. Have you ever visited two different download sites and one is faster than the other. Is that Hinet’s fault?

What I think HINET needs to do, is upgrade the pipes off the island or improve the way their foreign traffic is routed, but of course that is not a major concern for a country where perhaps 95% of the traffic is interisland. That is like asking the USA to speed up their links into and out of the USA, they would probably not care.

At the moment my upload speed is faster than download speed … 209k down, 240k up

Yesterday I tested 4 servers, 2 in the US, one in Europe and local hinet … no more than 220k abroad, 1.4M local … Hinet can’t even keep the 2M they promise local … I pay for 8M … go figure …

I agree. ADSL is damn slow. I finally have my connection and I’m very disappointed at the speed. Even uploading video clips to youtube can be a problem at times.

Let’s say you buy a car that the manufacturer specifies at 250km/h max. but you drive on a highway where there is too much traffic so that you can’t drive the maximum speed. Do you also blame the car maker for that?

Remember that you are not the only user in the internet. And if you download somewhere the data needs to be uploaded, so if that side doesn’t have 8M up you obviously can’t get 8M down (notwithstanding all the other traffic inbetween that may jam up the connection).

No because that’s not what you’re supposed to do because it’s illegal anyway, to do that you should go to the race track and BTW the car can go 250 KM/h … what I would complain about is when I buy a car and there are no doors or windows in because they were too busy on Monday when they build it and still ask me the same price …

As I see it is that CHT makes false claims in their marketing … they sell 8M but can not deliver on a recurring base … even their own servers gave me only 1.4 M on Sunday … they control that network, don’t they …

I have every right to complain about a product advertised and not getting …

I guess when you test world wide and even local with all-in-all 5 servers and are given the same results it’s not only about ‘the’ server …

I wouldn’t mind getting 50% of the speed promised, but getting about 3% of it, that’s a little over the top.

Sell something, deliver or shut up …

The issue is not about it being illegal. Think Germany if you like - no speed limit, so driving 250kmh is entirely legal. And if you think that a race track is the solution to “drive” at full speed then perhaps you should build your own network and connect the ADSL to that.

I don’t think your analogy works.

It’s safe to assume you are not the only user, somewhere the users will share common lines and equipment like routers etc., so the more traffic, the slower it becomes.

In principal you are right, but do they indeed promise 8M at any time, from any server in the world? Or do they instead promise a maximum of 8M, depending on certain conditions/criterias?

Hi all,

I also find the internet damn slow at home with Hinet, but at work with Chunghwa it is much faster, so the problem must come from Hinet. Even the wireless internet connection on the streets of Taipei is slow, I mean you can’t connect sometimes.

I agree with Belgian Pie, if you pay for a service you should have it in full.

Is it a full moon or something? I don’t know why some of you are trying to protect CHT … what about the consumer … I don’t get what I pay for … that’s final …

BTW, Rascal I think … although you’re German you’re misinformed about the speed limits in Germany … try doing 250 Km/h on the stretch between Aachen and Cologn … busted big time …

according to the latest info, p2p is dead in Taiwan, so maybe your connection speeds will get better.

I understand what you are saying but besides the limitations when using the public internet it seems CHT has covered their ass:

[quote]-- Please note that bandwidth cannot be always guaranteed for any ADSL service.

– Due to limitations of distance and environment, a small portion of ADSL 1M subscribers
may be limited to 512K download speeds, and a small portion of ADSL 2M subscribers
may be limited to 1.5M download speeds.

– 8M/640K services are provided to the best of Chunghwa Telecom’s efforts, within practical
limitations. Download speeds will range between 2 and 8M.

– 12M/1M services are provided to the best of Chunghwa Telecom’s efforts, within practical
limitations. Download speeds will range between 2M and 12M.[/quote]
cht.com.tw/CHTFinalE/Web/Per … p?CatID=19

If you find that in practice you can’t get 8M then complain, but if it’s to no avail you are probably best advised to downgrade to a 2M line and save yourself the money.

Huh? Of course there are stretches where a speed limit is imposed (due to saftey, noise reduction, construction sites etc.) but generally there is no speed limit on the freeway (Autobahn).

I have found using Opendns’s dns (opendns.com/) servers has sped up my internet connection by removing one of the bottlenecks - resolving host. Hinet’s dns servers must be slow. It won’t solve your bandwidth problem but it should help with your overall experience. Give it a try.

Rascal, you don’t ‘read’ my posts … I get 150-200 k, that’s about less than 10% of the min. promised speed … during the day mon-fri I get 800k not min. 2M … Sunday I got 1.4M on hinet speedtest, yesterday morning I got 1.8m … the hinet engineer was standing right besides me and couldn’t believe it, now they are checking on it, I hope … Either way they don’t give what promised …

I might switch back to cable if possible …

What’s the story there? I’m curious. P2P seems to be alive and well, no?

way too many variables on why ADSL connection speeds can be low. Perhaps even the physical line has it’s limitations. Noise on the line, distance from the exchange, exchange cabinets, and equipment all put limitations on your maximum possible connection speed on your line. I would expect, as one poster stated, that speeds inside Chunghwa telecom are fast, that is if the exchange is located in or beside the building. 5km or more away from an exchange is almost pointless to have ADSL in most countries.

I would have my line tested for a ‘fault’ and even have a specific ADSL line test done. It may also be that you require a router and not a single PC modem, but at such reduced speeds I would doubt that is the major problem.

Sadly, the maximum speed will only ever be as fast as your line will allow. This may differ from someone just down the street even. Your provider may even suggest that you change to a less expensive plan with a slower speed to not be ripped off. The faster you push ADSL over a network the more noise is created on the line, more noise equals slower speeds in most cases. Faster speeds equals more users online. More users more pressure on the network. Perhaps it’s strain on the local exchange and equipment.

Great the you’ve identified a problem though. Now you can have it checked out and perhaps get on the best plan for you or have the line fixed.

I live 500m from the chunghwa building and had an engineer here to check it out … it’s every day in the afternoon that speed drops below 200k, whole day below what is acceptable and Sat-Sun whole day below 200k, my upload is faster than download …
I pay for 8M/640k … don’t get even close to what they them self promise as a minimum 2M, I get 10% of that …