Hoarders, what do you hoard?

As a youth I was a hoarder of lighters, especially ones made by ‘clipper.’ As BigWeld says, ‘See a lighter, steal a lighter,’ or words to that effect.

It has been coming, but I finally tackled cleaning out my work bag today (not a man bag I swear) and to my amazement I have stolen/accumulated 40 ball point pens, of which 11 are curiously filled with green ink.

What do you hoard you hoardy hoarder you! I have hoarded a horde of pens!

In my day, i’ve hoarded more than my fair share. I still have my main hoardlings, usually brochures, old newspapers, other assorted clippingism and about 12,001 pens of varying color and life-expectancy.
Oh, yes, I almost forgot: empty beer bottles.
Yet, I’m turning over a new six-pack, and starting to learn to throw away crap before it reaches the perimeter!

Pens…especially black ink pens…pens that write with black ink.

During the '90’s I attended and exhibited at several hundred trade shows…I always collected pens from the booths. Now I am using those that will still write.
Also pens collected during the course of business.
Fed-X uses a particularly well made ink pen. I still have 4 left. Also the garage that did my auto maintenance. A ‘Storage USA’ business that I used …still have some of their pens. Best Western Hotel pens. Marriott pens.
These are just in the cup on my desk right now. Many more in my storage room.

Also those name-tag holder necklaces. I must have 20-30 of those packed away.

I used to hoard hats & t-shirts from different companies also.

Terrible about empty bottles also. I recycled them for cash when in California…here…I just let them gather and then dump them on the recycle Amahs pile. I need to do that soon.

My wife hoards, and I throw stuff out. It’s all about balance.

This weirdo I went to high school with collected Pop Tarts boxes. Freak.

I hoard T-shirts. And I’m currently hoarding the Sprite Zero from my neighborhood Carrefour for use as mix, because they are the only place I can find it.

I wonder why people hoard used batteries. Have you noticed there are usually a few at the bottom of the drawer where you keep the screwdrivers and stuff?

I have a freind who’s the opposite of a hoarder. He doesn’t like to keep anything. If you go over to his house, he’ll have one glass, one bowl, one spoon, one plate and one fork. And that’s about it. Hardly any furniture and the place is always spotless.

Back when I was a high school kid, I would save my used Big Gulp cups. Right about the time I got over a hundred, 7-11 had a promotion where you could get a free Big Gulp for every four proof of purchase seals from previous big gulp cups. Score.

Pens. Writing brushes. Paint brushes. Paint. Dyes. Chemicals. Helmets. Stationery items. Knives. Glue sticks. Medicines. First aid supplies. Dark chocolate. Glass beads. Books. Dictionaries. Language learning materials in general. Tools. Rubber bands. Toiletries. Clothing. Boxes. Foodstuffs. Water bottles. Plastic folders. Paper. Steel rings. Photos. Beer. Wine. Plastic bags. Batteries. Candles.

I’m sure I’m forgetting something…

these days i specialize in hoarding green korean 10,000 won banknotes. just can’t get enough of them.

Stickers, most of which I won at the shooting booth during fun fairs. Later electronic components that I removed from PCBs of faulty equipment and related stuff, you never know when you may need a 22 micro-Farad capacitor …

Audio books. Articles (electronic format). In my office at work, empty bottles of cranberry juice and cans of Arizona ice tea.

Containers, from interesting packaging boxes to plastic food containers. I keep thinking they might be useful for something… The chopsticks that always come with the lunch boxes that i never use. Cool stickers that I never quite find the right place to put. It’s annoying. I just bought a big fridge to replace 2 medium sized fridges that work fine. Somebody gave me an extra washing machine. Need to have a garage sale. Teaching materials. What a dump!

I hoard toe-nail clippings and karma.

I used to have a huge straw collection. I was in heaven in Taiwan because I could buy toothbrushes by the gross! I’ve always horrded toothbrushes, but it’s because I’m anal about throwing them out at the slightest hint of contamination (dropped it in the sink–gone! Used it for a month–gone! My son used mine by mistake–you get the picture). Most people think I’m very strange about my toothbrush cleanliness thing, but they always know where to find a new one if they’ve forgotten theirs!

Books. Some day I hope to take a few cartons of them down to Bongos (never been there but I was told they buy used books) to make room for more.

CDs I listen to once, but can’t seem to give away.

  1. matches

  2. plastic bags (more for recycling reasons; I try not to take them in the first place)

  3. water bottles

  4. backpacks

Fossils, STDs, fountain pens, Penguin classics annotated in green ink.

I think he could well be hoarder . You just need to look hard to find where he’s sticking it all.