Holy shit, time goes by!

This man looks incredibly old…!

Have you been surprised recently by how much things around or people you knew have aged?

Your englishes never get old.

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Typos and bad choices of words when typing in a rush… what can I say :frowning:

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Language is meant to be enjoyed. You do you, brother. :heart:

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I googled, he is 93. He looks good for his age. But yeah, thats not how he looked a few years back.

Fancy, the only person you are compared to in an introduction of great thinkers is Karl Marx. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I like this look. Sort of an “Old Testament God” kind of vibe.

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It trips me out when people still have a clear mind at 90. :astonished: I hope I’m the same.

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Watching ‘Last Dance’ about Michael Jordan’s NBA reign was fun, but a bit depressing seeing a childhood sports hero now middle-aged, bloated, yellow eyes, etc.

Whoops, sorry Mike. :flushed: Don’t hurt me!


I would say that not having surgical operations post 70 is a good start. Hip replacements and anaesthetic, both highly likely to send one gaga. Also, having some kind of burning passion helps. Gardening seems to be very healthy for the mind. Fishing too. And sex. You find a lot of active people in the last flourish of life are still acting like busy teenagers.

That’s why I reject the concept of maturity. We are all children, in various states of bodily decay.


They get sold a duff end game. They are whored around by capitalists and it depresses them. Football (soccer) pundits are the absolute worst. Roy Keane is like a gossipy fishwife now. Nothing left in the man.