Few of us had much understanding of the sudden need to leave.
Windy Hui, a mother of two, lived in Sydney from 1989 until the family returned in 2002, enduring years of separation from her businessman husband.
``I thought that foreign places must be better. But now I don't really think so _ it would have been better if we had stayed in Hong Kong,'' she said. ``Our kids didn't have time to be with their father. We can't chase those years back.''[/quote]
Interesting article. Foreigners complain about HK return to PRC, because they are usually in the closet racist or not wanting to believe the 2 system 1 country model could actually work.
But here are some accounts of Chinese that regret buying into white media hype that the PRC would oppress HK.
I wonder how much white media hype influence occurs in Taiwan over the possibility of reunification. How many Taiwanese will live with future regret because the listened to some foreigner lament about having closer political relationships with the PRC?
[quote=“ac_dropout”]But here are some accounts of Chinese that regret buying into white media hype that the PRC would oppress HK.
I wonder how much white media hype influence occurs in Taiwan over the possibility of reunification. How many Taiwanese will live with future regret because the listened to some foreigner lament about having closer political relationships with the PRC?[/quote]
You really should be banned for your vile racist tripe.
Those people were shit scared, and for good reason. Absolutely nothing at all to do with white people, although ostensibly majority white countries took them in. It was your beloved Chinese revealing all that they’ve learnt in 5,000 years of glorious history that got poor old Honkies on the run, or at the very least opening an alternative bolthole.
Come to think of it, don’t you have a green card? I sure hope it wasn’t just to provide you with an eucation.
Few of us had much understanding of the sudden need to leave.
Windy Hui, a mother of two, lived in Sydney from 1989 until the family returned in 2002, enduring years of separation from her businessman husband.
``I thought that foreign places must be better. But now I don't really think so _ it would have been better if we had stayed in Hong Kong,'' she said. ``Our kids didn't have time to be with their father. We can't chase those years back.''[/quote]
Interesting article. Foreigners complain about HK return to PRC, because they are usually in the closet racist or not wanting to believe the 2 system 1 country model could actually work.
But here are some accounts of Chinese that regret buying into white media hype that the PRC would oppress HK.
I wonder how much white media hype influence occurs in Taiwan over the possibility of reunification. How many Taiwanese will live with future regret because the listened to some foreigner lament about having closer political relationships with the PRC?[/quote]
Pure naked racist shite. I was in Hong Kong in the Summer of 1989 and I didn’t see too many white people amongst the million people in Central out protesting the Tiananmen massacre.
Where were you in the summer of 1989? Not fucking Hong Kong that’s for sure. Not reading any Chinese-language newspaper printed in Hong Kong in the summer of 1989.
Wow. You really do have a chip on your shoulder. No. A fish supper. A full lobster dinner with a baked alaska for afters.
The idea that all those wealthy Hong Kong people were running off to Canada and the States because of something some white people said really is absurd.
Guess you don’t know Hong Kong that well. Or you do, but have some obscure Chinese Imperialist/Nationalist point to make.
Hey. I’ve had a change of heart. You’re right. China rocks. I live in China. Tell you what. Why not come over to China to live? Fuck America. It’s full of White People. I know some really good headhunters here, and I have great contacts in finance. With your intelligence and understanding of China you’d do really well here. So come on over. Test the water. It’s lovely.
I’m serious. PM me and when you have decided how much better China is than the rest of the world, let me know and I’ll even meet you off the plane at Pudong airport. But only if you really want to live in China.
And what reason where those? Living behind the bamboo curtain listening to UK propaganda of how bad it would be?
So their regret is unfounded in your opinion. As long as you guys get to live in China and HK everything is okay it seems.
So foreign media hyped 6/4 to the point that people wanted to leave HK in 1997. That the point of my rant. Has anything close to 6/4 happed to HK. If it wasn’t for Muddock media and his nonsense of 6/4 and HK, you think people would have left.
You think the Chinese news media was pushing the idea the HK will become a military state?
Even people from Oz can’t stand Howard. Can you even imagine how bad it was for Windy Hui to raise their children under the racist administration of Howard.
Now you have a whole generation of people living with the regret of ever believing the foreign propaganda in the first place.
You think 6/4 is going to happen to you?
That’s what I’m talking about. You don’t have to live with the regret of listening to western propaganda and not living in China or HK.
half the people in hong kong were there exactly because they or their parents fled the communists at some point. to say that there was an exodus because of something the “white media” said is just retarded.
To try and down play the fact of the media frenzies warning of the post 1997 apocalypse in HK is also irresponsible.
Basically people are coming to realize their fears were unfounded. Thus their regret. But who placed the fear in them? These people that never grew up under the CCP in the first place. The media, especially the foreign western media, were very alarmist at the time.
The people of HK had more oppression under the UK system than the PRC system at this point.
Using your logic, all the people in Oz were convicts, does that mean each subsequent generation of convicts be sent off to a remote island. You run out of islands by then.
So foreign media hyped 6/4 to the point that people wanted to leave HK in 1997. That the point of my rant. Has anything close to 6/4 happed to HK. If it wasn’t for Muddock media and his nonsense of 6/4 and HK, you think people would have left.[/quote]
Why do you think those people only source was the Western media? Surely there were Hong Kong reporters who witnessed the events on 6/4 who reported the events back to HK via television and print.
So foreign media hyped 6/4 to the point that people wanted to leave HK in 1997. That the point of my rant. Has anything close to 6/4 happed to HK. If it wasn’t for Muddock media and his nonsense of 6/4 and HK, you think people would have left.[/quote]
Why do you think those people only source was the Western media? Surely there were Hong Kong reporters who witnessed the events on 6/4 who reported the events back to HK via television and print.[/quote]
HK papers were basically UK papers at the time. No better than a mouthpiece. Droning on and on about Patten, the great fearless leader, to save the oppress masses of HK from the draconian PRC.
The last democractically elected governor of HK, Baron Patten of Barnes. Fat Patten the People’s Governor, they called him. Rubbish all of it
Now people live with their regret of believing the foreign media of the times.
So foreign media hyped 6/4 to the point that people wanted to leave HK in 1997. That the point of my rant. Has anything close to 6/4 happed to HK. If it wasn’t for Muddock media and his nonsense of 6/4 and HK, you think people would have left.[/quote]
Why do you think those people only source was the Western media? Surely there were Hong Kong reporters who witnessed the events on 6/4 who reported the events back to HK via television and print.[/quote] HK papers were basically UK papers at the time. No better than a mouthpiece. Droning on and on about Patten, the great fearless leader, to save the oppress masses of HK from the draconian PRC.
The last democractically elected governor of HK, Baron Patten of Barnes. Fat Patten the People’s Governor, they called him. Rubbish all of it
Now people live with their regret of believing the foreign media of the times.[/quote]
Your ignorance about Hong Kong is only matched by the chutzpah of your willingness to parade it in public.
Name four Chinese language newspapers in circulation before 1997. Without Googling them. Of course you can’t. Let alone credibly claim to have read one.
Sorry, I forget. What is your interest in posting on this bulletin board? Apart from acting as the village idiot. What exactly is your connection with Taiwan?
Perhaps you think you are being witty? However your unpleasant drivel basically amounts to “Hong Kong Chinese are stupid. And I hate white people. Especially the British” Proud of yourself?
Come on over to China. I’m waiting for your response. Ask mummy and daddy if they’ll let you come over for a look-see at least. You won’t need to bring any money. Your compatriots will welcome you with open arms. My wife’s uncle is a Party member. We can borrow his decidedly un-Communist Buick With Mysterious Black Plates and drive into the country to Meet the People. It’ll be a gas. They’ll love you. You can tell them what a shit time you’re having in the States with all the Fucking White People and how you envy them their simple, pure, lifestyles in China, toiling happily in the fields. [Can’t stop laughing long enough to type this shit!!! ] :roflmao: :roflmao:
It’s your genetically inferior penis that leads you to ascribe such virility to the western world. I’m sure there is help, I used to see stuff in junk e-mails. That’s a better option, because quite frankly we are here in your world for the long haul, as it were.
I didn’t see the fall of the Berlin Wall coming either, so, sue me.
There’s no doubt we westerners have a streak of paternalism in us toward our Chinese brethren but the “foreign devil” stereotype gives us far too much credit. We’re just not that cunning and evil – at least in any organized way. It’s always interesting though when this artifact of ancient Chinese civilization pops to the surface. I often query my wife about it and it’s clear that it goes back millenia and has its origins as some sort of communal defense mechanism in an age of limited information.
I think though, now that we’re living in the Information Age in which there’s no excuse for attitudes fabricated of half-truths, oversimplifications and just plain ignorance, it’s high time that we got over our stereotypes about who each other really is.
Au contraire mon frer. It is so much easier to get ones half-baked, half-asses half truthes to the masses. Just write a wiki article, start a website or post an article.