Hot girl on girl action

anyone here have bunny rabbits?

The pet store guy said both my bunnies were girls.

But now that they are grown they are humping each other backwards and forwards.

One will jump on the other and hump her(?) face (!) with that extremely fast hummingbird-wing hip motion that bunnies have. I woner if either of them is getting off.

They also do it um…doggy style?

One or both of my bunnies is apparently gay or making the best of a bad situation.

I know that some female dogs will hump other females as a way of showing dominance. Is that what’s going on?

Homosexuality is not an exclusively human trait.


What i’m really wondering about is whether one of them might be male. I don’t need baby bunnies.

the face-humping implies that the answer is “no” but i am not an expert on bunny sex.

then again there’s a whole subsection on youtube

of male and female bunnies humping everything from stuffed animals to feet to balloons…they don’t seem to be picky.

nice try.

2 little poop factories is enough for me, thanks : )

I bought 2 hamsters and was told they were both the same sex. I later had 6 likkle teeny weeny baby hamsters. awwww…

So yes, mistakes do happen.

On the other hand, I once looked after someone’s bunny, and I caught him humping the cat who was also a boy. Not sure what to make of that. But I think humping is exclusively a male trait.

Dunno about that, my pug, female, used to hump my leg all the time. It was cute and a little gross.

My dog is female and humps other dogs quite a bit.