Household Registration


We will be returning this summer. My husband was on a JFRV but that expired a couple of years ago. I was wondering if he is still on my household registration or not? It seems that I read somewhere that foreigners were taken off of it if they aren’t in the country for a few years. Just wondering if there are some steps we could skip if he’s still on there. Also, any idea on how long authentication is good for?


As far as I know, your husband would only be removed from your household registration if you were divorced. As for whether it saves time getting a new JFRV, not a whole lot. He will still need to satisfy all the other resident visa requirements. As for how long authentication of various documents lasts, please see the Certification forum:

It depends on the document and what it will be used for.

Thanks, that is helpful. I still have copies of the translation and certification of our marriage certificate. I remember a friend translated it for us from English to Chinese but we later found out that the Los Angeles TECO office had a form to fill in for translation. Has anyone ran into this? I will call them on Monday and see if they might have one for our kids’ birth certificates.

Thanks for the help,

In the past it was required to translate all documents into Chinese. Now all government agencies are supposed to accept original documentation in either Chinese or English. Only documents in other languages will still need to be translated.

Great, this is great news. We have few friends who could help us with translation here so I hope this is right. We were married here in AZ, so everything is in English!

