Hope everyone can throw me a bone or two about house training my dog, Peanut. Or I’m gonna be in the dog house with my father and end up on the street (half a joke). 
Peanut is 8 months old and still occasionally poops in the house as well as pees. He’s gotten better but I’m still having trouble breaking him of the habit. I have tried to paper train him. He eats the paper, or rather shreds it. :S. Tell him “What’s this” while pointing to the mistake gets me- not kidding here- a "
" look from him.
Also, he’s barking at every little move he hears. And that is driving me crazy. Especially since my other dog zen about everything.
So, :help: Please.
thanks so much.
Sounds like he’s settling in. 
He didn’t have these problems before, right? It’s natural with any animal, including humans, to show stress at the time of a big move.
Keep rewarding the positive and ignoring the negative. Or put a muzzle on him to keep him from barking while you give him attention for being quiet.
No time to write more, but will do later.
no peanut has always been a pee/pooper in the house. I dealt with that by walking him a lot. Yet, that didn’t do anything but reduce the amount of time he did it. Now it’s once a day in the house. It’s a habit that’s breaking me :s
Do nothing when he gets it wrong, and be sure to clean with bleach, white vinegar, or an enzyme-based odour destroyer. Make a BIG fuss every time he gets it right.
This is only temporary; it will vanish.
There are different methods to do this, and I think that different people will find different methods easier. What works best for me is to catch the dog in the act. I soon recognise the signs like sniffing and walking around in circles. Those are the most common signs. When you see Peanut do that, get ready, but don’t do anything until he begins to do his business. If you catch him right on time, you’ll have little if anything to clean. Use your voice to let him know he’s doing something wrong, but do not scream or get overly angry. Just enough so that he knows he’s doing something he should not be doing. Pick him up and take him outside. Soon after you take him out, he will do his business and follow up with a reward. Change your voice to a happy praising voice, give him a good rub the way he likes it and you can even buy nice treats that he likes to eat to reward him.
To me that’s what works best. Catch him in action. Do not do anything if you do not catch him in the act, he won’t remember, and he’ll be confused and that will only slow down his progress.
Hang out with him after he eats and after he wakes up, that’s when you are more likely to catch him on the spot. Consistency is the key. If you manage to catch him in the act everyday, he will soon understand that inside is bad, and outside is fun.
Hey Namahottie, just wanted to give you some hope. I was in the same situation with my boy. I just felt so frustrated. I dedicated a few weeks to this problem and it went away. It can be especially difficult when you are busy and can’t catch him. He was also 8 months and still having “intentionals” in the house. I pretty much did what Bobepine suggested. It is important that you don’t get overly angry with him, but do get overjoyed. My little guy is sensitive, if he thinks I am angry he will pee a bit. He will get it, don’t worry.