How a Taiwan Girl Should Be (anim. video, Bureau of Health)

Bureau of Health page… find the animated picture of the boy and the girl on the left hand side and click there. Don’t be scared of the Xed out colored wolf image on the boy’s head.

It’s really funny. After being tipped off by a Taipei Times article I clicked over to the Taiwanese Bureau of health animated video. Girls or guys get to control the girl to either go with him to CKS Memorial Hall (and subsequently get left lying in the street looking “used”). If you have the girl say “NO” like a good girl should, they’re next seen together. The guy asks her to go to KTV with him. Should she say “YES” or “NO”? The choice is yours… I don’t want to spoil the ending for you. Can you force the girl to keep saying no enough times? What will happen to her… you decide!

I notice no English. Is it because the Taiwanese believe all English-speaking females are sluts so there’s no need to bother warning them? :s

Now you understand all those things I tried to tell you. :wink: :astonished:


How would the male version look? Skanky-looking women come on to him in a bar? And if you press “yes”, the next scene is of him screaming as he urinates blood?

Sadly, there are some women here that are as stupid as the one depicted in the little film. Isn’t this crap stuff that most mother’s teacher their daughters anyway? I love how the guy gets so frustrated because he can’t get laid.

Is there an option that leads to her trying to eat headboard and scream “Oh God, yes, give it to me hard, big boy!!” simultaneously? That would be the preferred outcome for all parties, surely?

Why don’t governments give girls advice on finding a quality shag and feeling good about it, instead of resisting until they get ‘used’? A bit (or a lot) of uninhibited, rumbustuous rumpy pumpy can really make a girl’s day if she’s able to appreciate it without feeling guilty or ‘bad’. But if you teach her it’s something she has to ‘give’ or have taken from her than all you achieve is heartache. Life’s all about making informed decisions, not following restrictive moral codes that are being imposed ‘for your own good’.

I need to get laid, btw.

Telling girls not to have sex definitely works well. Nearly as well as the “just say ‘NO!’ to drugs” campaigns which so influenced me when I was young.

From the same site. Amazing. Unbefuckingleivable. Start shagging “young” and you’re going to get cervical cancer. We can then assume that in Victorian days all those 14 year old brides ended up dying of cervical cancer ?

But the last bit is the best: a moral lecture on the girl’s disgraceful sexual morals and stern advice to “keep sex for after she’s married and her body for her husband”.

Note the obviously fictitious woman is 19 and has asked about a lump in her breast.

Tell me this website’s a spoof !? … spx?id=151

Q: 5. 太早有性行為,易得子宮頸癌?



是的,如果有此疑慮的話,應該趕快去尋求醫生診斷。即使是虛驚一場,也換來一個安心。(2) 造成子宮頸癌的因素很多,較早暴露在性行為的刺激之下,也是致病的危險因子之一。但是,『危險因子』不是『絕對得病』的意思,只要作定期的抹片檢查,即使真的不幸得了病,還是可以治療的。我比較關心的是,你性行為方面的事情,建議你注意避孕與防治傳染病。如果已經,發生過性行為,我想提醒你,[color=red]不要再繼續發生性行為,你可以現在就停下來,將性行為保留給你的婚姻,將你的身體保留給你的先生。[/color]

[Hymen Alert - #77 by MaPoSquid

It’s not when she starts, it’s how many partners she has, and how many partners her partners have had, and how many. . . .

In Victorian times, the 14-year-old bride had one husband, who (theoretically) was faithful to her. No problem with HPV.

Yes, but saying that having sex at a young age leads to cervical cancer when really it’s having sex with multiple partners that leads to HPV that often leads to cervical cancer is like saying “If you breathe, you’ll get emphysema and a nasty nicotine addiction.” It takes a lot more than sex at an early age to become cancer of the cervix.

A new study by the US Food and Drug Administration and the Departments of Health of the European Union countries has found that a single cough drop can be used to provide 100% effective protection against pregnancy for a woman.

The use of the cough drop is important. The woman must hold it firmly between her knees.

I thought the cartoon was hilarious…I couldn’t stop laughing at how frustrated the guy was getting…and then choosing one of the “bad” options and the girl ends up crying and he walks away as smug as a bug. :laughing:

Any person who would look to this for any kind of guidance…well…I would have to seriously question their intelligence… :laughing:

Who the heck created this? This was produced by the “bureau of health?” Are these guys morons or what? Good god, this is so idiotic, I’m speechless.

However, I think with my crappy chinese, I deciphered that at the end one of the things they tell you is to not drink alcohol on a date. If I had followed their advice, I wouldn’t be married now! :wink:

[quote]I deciphered that at the end one of the things they tell you is to not drink alcohol on a date. If I had followed their advice, I wouldn’t be married now![/quote]Yes well maybe you should have heeded her advice sweety :sunglasses:

I deciphered that at the end one of the things they tell you is to not drink alcohol on a date. If I had followed their advice, I wouldn’t be married now!
Yes well maybe you should have heeded her advice sweety [/quote]

Now now Amos, If you REALLY wanted him you should’ve just asked! :wink:

Several studies have shown that the association of early age at first intercourse with cervical cancer is independent of other risk factors. That is, even when you take the number of partners into account, early age still has an added effect. So does early age at first birth and number of children.

It’s not when she starts, it’s how many partners she has, and how many partners her partners have had, and how many. . . .

Several studies have shown that the association of early age at first intercourse with cervical cancer is independent of other risk factors. That is, even when you take the number of partners into account, early age still has an added effect. So does early age at first birth and number of children.[/quote]

What utter nonsense ! “Having sex at an early age gives you cancer” ! Someone is pulling your leg. If they told you masturbation makes you go blind would you believe that too ? :laughing:

Regular orgasms actually help ward off cancer, at least for males and prostrate cancer. I wouldn’t be surprised if they found studies showing that a regular sex life helped lower the chances of cancer and other diseases, as well. The health benefits of sex are well-known - regular cardiovascular exercise, easing of stress and blood pressure, increased mental stability because if you actually have sex you’re not neurotically thinking of sex 90% of the day, etc.

:notworthy: :notworthy:
Halleluhhliaaa! So you’re telling me all this wanking I’ve done all my life, and felt guilty about, is actually going to save my ass when I’m older?

Great news!!!..uh… I’ll be back in a couple minutes, got go take care of a personal heath issue… :howyoudoin: