How can I be a better person?

[quote=“Kenny McCormick”]
I’m not dissatisfied with my life, but sometimes I think death would be more satisfying.[/quote]

That sounds bad. What has gone wrong?

[quote=“Mr He”]

Well, since I am a Republican, I must disagree. You could “live up to your potential” for earning money perhaps by earning billions of dollars. But, would that necessarily make you a “better person”?

I didn’t ask my questions to jerk you around… and anyway… a wiseman once said that there are no stupid questions…[/quote]

I’m sorry, I try to stay away from politics, but I would think that a Republican would assume that if you make more money you would be a better person. You could trickle on your underlings.

And yes, there are stupid questions. (but not yours or Mr. He’s)

[quote=“tigerman”]Well, since I am a Republican, I must disagree. You could “live up to your potential” for earning money perhaps by earning billions of dollars. But, would that necessarily make you a “better person”?

I didn’t ask my questions to jerk you around… and anyway… a wiseman once said that there are no stupid questions…[/quote]

Don’t mean to go off topic, but I don’t know why you would make such an assumption. Being a Republican means that I favor a republican style government… Hasn’t anything to do with how much money one makes or how I regard those who make more or less money…

Sorry, that was an “inside” joke. There definitely are stupid jokes :blush:

You are annoying me.

You claim that we aren’t living up to what we should and you refuse to say what we aren’t living up to. Reminds me of:

Boss: You haven’t reached your sales goals!
Salesman: What are my sales goals?
Boss: Stop asking silly questions and try to do better.

Striving for perfection is pointless. Striving for the best you can do is very good indeed.

[quote=“Mr He”]You are annoying me.


Today hasn’t been a complete loss.

[quote=“Richardm”][quote=“Mr He”]You are annoying me.


Today hasn’t been a complete loss.[/quote]

Well, there you go… you’re living up to your comedic potential!

Knock knock. Me. He? Are you home?

I don’t think RichardM’s the type to be causing any annoyance. I think the idea is that you work out your own meaning for reaching or attaining potential.


I was just making a stupid joke on the stereotype of the US Republican. They are the GOP, Grand Ol’ Party, and not everyone’s invited. They believe that poor people are evil and lazy. They think of money first. They think Government should get off the backs of the rich people and use their power to control the unwashed masses.

Of course that is only a stereotype.

I’m just in a rotten mood.

What is it Richardm wants to achieve?

We are waiting.

I would like to be loved, admired, envied, and respected by every member of the Forumosa community.

Kill yourself to make room for the “others”.

I’ll respect you in the morning, promise.

Lighten up will we.

You already have my respect, and I’m quite willing to admire you for your high intellect and excellent judgment if you agree with all my opinions and say nice things about me. I could probably even manage to love you, in a purely platonic way, but I’m not sure I can deliver the envy (unless you are able to convince that you’ve enjoyed something on a par with cavorting in a hot spring bath with a score of lusciously naked xiaojie nymphets).

Change your choice of recreational drugs and praise me. Some Guanxi would also be received with thanks.

Coming to terms with who we are is probably one of the most difficult problems that each of us face. (Particularly if you are a Republican :smiling_imp: )
The “better” must come from your own self image.
Hell, you got a leg up in the respect department the first time I saw the avatar! :stuck_out_tongue:
If you think making more money makes you feel better, try to make that happen. Being thinner? Drink less? (OK, forget that one)…ultimately you are the final arbitor of where you are and wish to be in life…accepting the inevitable is the big challenge…

Omni’s line was apropos about living up (or not) to one’s potential.

Life is hard, then you die.

that will be kind of hard…but why would you want that? It is impossible for the whold world to love you, there must be at least one person that dislike you, which is okay, u can’t please everybody…

life goes on dude!!

in addition, in order for you to become a better person, you can plez donated to the MiakaW foundation which helped the lost girls to get back to their dream, which is being a swinger and live forever…

yes, I am drunk, sue me!!

Of course those are impossible goals. So it was not a good example. I was just philosophizing about goals, potential, temptation, and sin.

It was amazing to me that some people would suggest suicide.

Gan bei!

Grow a beard.

Read Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu). Most people try to carve out a little niche for themselves in society, pick a career, a place to live, a certain lifestyle to follow … a certain “road” or “path” so to speak, and then they stick to it until they die … pretty sad really! Zhuangzi runs counter to this … ultimate freedom and liberation … all paths are yours, all niches are yours … just jump out of the fray and look down, all the while thinking to yourself, “wow, this is really neat …”. I think our biggest problem and biggest source of fear/suffering (besides dealing with the whole “death” thing) is taking ourselves too seriously … something Zhuangzi advises against. Pick up a copy and try reading it.

As I think Alleycat (or someone) pointed out, “desiring to be desireless” is the big connundrum … you shouldn’t “desire” or “not desire”. I think the most important message to take out of Buddha’s teachings is the idea of walking the middle road.