How creative are you?

Name of number iiuc


I donā€™t know about whacky. I used a mnemonic device I learned years ago when I memorized all 50 US States in alphabetical order for the students to show them they were being big babies about the vocab lists I gave them, lol

This time I just did it without wordsā€¦just let the images flow.


On second thought, I guess we could use all numbers as a noun? We are one. Thatā€™s a Noun. And of course we are allowed to say ā€œwe are tenā€.

You are very creative lol

ā€¦and is next to near impossible to read without a guide. :woozy_face:

I had to have a guide. I may have had more than one guide. I used stuff that I found online. And I still didnā€™t understand everything.

Itā€™s brilliant, but I think itā€™s too dark.* I think some things in there are too ā€“ Iā€™ll have to make up a word ā€“ unnourishing. Thatā€™s just my opinion.

*Howā€™s that for an oxymoron?

Just go with Vineland.

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Interesting I wasnā€™t the only person who wrote ā€˜helicopterā€™.


I hope to get around to it.

Itā€™s written in human so far more accessible than GR.

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Thatā€™s encouraging. :slight_smile:

Well, helicopter seems to contain its own internal divergence. Itā€™s kind of a whangdoodle.

Practice definitely makes a difference. Second try was 91.42/97.77%.

Iā€™m genuinely surprised that 90%+ of humanity canā€™t think of ten reasonably-different words.

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Are you though? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, seriously. It says itā€™s a ā€œ2 to 4 minute testā€. I took less than a minute. And Iā€™m a long way from the most creative person on the planet (even in the narrow verbal sense).

Maybe some people donā€™t fully understand the nature of the test? Or perhaps the range of scores is actually quite small (compressed at the top end)?

EDIT: seems to be the latter. I filled it in using stuff on my desk. Score 78, ā€œhigher than 49.43%ā€. So thatā€™s pretty much what Mr Average does, apparently.


Still quite surprised that anyone could do worse than ignoring what the instructions tell you not to do. I wonder if some people are filling in ā€œsquirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel acorn treeā€ just to annoy the researchers.

It seems to me that actually getting to 0% requires superior creativity.


86.9. I canā€™t for the life of me figure what the relationship between xylophone and dartboard is though?

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Did have a look at what people are posting, seems being a bit more specific avoids overlap, for instance ā€œarsonā€ would be less encompassing than ā€œfireā€ ā€œravioliā€ is less specific than ā€œfoodā€


Fingers? Hands?


sees first and only page
types the most random things possible, with no time limit

Actually I just typed the first 10 nouns that came to mind, it still gave me a 77. First time I tried to put ā€˜creativeā€™ ones and the score was 50 something.

Itā€™s a trap!


This was a fun quiz. This was my attempt:

This was my second bite at the cherry. Water and antimacassar scored surprisingly high. Am I the only one who washes my antimacassar?


It could mean youā€™re too sensible.

If you look at that grid that your test produces, it should give you some idea of the thinking behind this thing. I just now looked at my most recent grid, and I still donā€™t understand it perfectly, but it appears to show combinations that work or donā€™t work in terms of being ā€œdivergent.ā€ I guess the idea is to come up with words that are least likely to belong in the same category as the other words. And thatā€™s kind of a challenge for me.

Hereā€™s an example of a pair that I ā€œflunkedā€:

I had cottonwood (a word that could mean any one of several kinds of trees, a fact which I didnā€™t know until tonight) and creosote (a substance which is derived from wood). Those two were ā€œnon-divergentā€ enough to give me a pair of 71s.

Hereā€™s an example of one that I guess I scored well on: cuff and creosote gave me a pair of 107s.