How did the outbreak begin Forumosa opinion poll

How do you believe the outbreak begin? The poll is anonymous.

  • Wet Markets/Wildlife Trading in China
  • Natural Virus but escaped from a lab in China
  • Fully or Partially man made and engineered, escaped the lab on accident
  • Fully or Partially man made and engineered, intentionally used.
  • Started outside of China

0 voters

You leave out the option of natural virus deliberately released.

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There is an option of intentionally used from a lab.


But “Natural virus escaped from a lab” is not the same as natural virus deliberately released.

“Fully or Partially man made and engineered, escaped the lab on accident”. Is not the same as natural virus deliberately released.

“Fully or partially man made and engineered, intentionally used”. Is not the same as natural virus intentionally used.

Just saying, if you want to cover all possibilities, you are missing one, perhaps the main one.


Crap. I can’t edit now.

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If you can edit. How did the outbreak BEGIN.

Natural virus but used intentionally

Wow. A thread to pat all of the conspiracy theorists on the back.

Real scientists have actually proved that it’s impossible it were engineered. But, hey, let’s not disrespect the Youtubers and Twitterists, and Facebook memes.


I picked the ‘Wet Market’ option as the most likely, but option 2 and 3 wouldn’t surprise me either.

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To be fair, “real” scientists also said there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission in January, and no need for people to wear masks.

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You also left out “natural origin”. It doesn’t have to have started in a wet market or from wildlife trading.

Can poll be remade to include above options?

No, it can’t be edited. But I can make a new poll with all the options if @tempogain wants to close this one.

Are there other options I’m missing?

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Not trying to vote-shame anyone, but who clicked “started outside of China” and can I get some of what they’re smoking?

This is why I kept it anonymous lol.

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I set it to close in 2 hours to see if you get some suggestions.

I made a new one, I got all the major ones and the ones people suggested. I left other as an option in case there is something else. Also there is a Aliens option for @yyy


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