How did you imagine what Asia was like before arriving?

I uh…have no recollection of that at this time…

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You’re on a roll, Jimi.

Pump out another 1000 of those, stitch em together, and you’ve got the next big thing!

NYT best seller big thing, not Coffs Harbour Big Banana big thing.


Do I gotta spell it out for you?


Yeah, that’s the one.

I first came backpacking through Asia in 1974, so pretty much what I expected: backwards, romantic, exotic. India still the Raj; SE Asia, like you were living in a Vietnam War movie.
Didn’t get to East Asia till the mid-80s. China was grim, ragged, and industrial. I lived in Beijing for two years- buses,bicycles, Mao jackets- it was just starting to change. HK was madly go-go.
Taiwan- “Hey, I didn’t know Chinese people could smile”. Coming down from Taipei to Kaohsiung, looking at the sweatshops and waste heaps I thought resignedly “I’ve got to survive and make money for six months here”. Instead surprisingly comfortable living in an apartment in Kaohsiung (well, after China): easily available work, western bars, fun mixed crowds of foreigners (dregs mostly) and Taiwanese hipster outcasts. Moved to Taitung, thirty years later still here.


Yeah, I wouldn’t fuck you with a boneless dick.

Anyways, China, you want a piece of this stripey ass, you going to have to go through @the_bear…we’re pretty much committed.


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That, my friend, is disgusting. Fresh coconut milk with pineapple and a few shots of rum, on the other hand…

Jeez, look who got all fussy all of a sudden…

He’s only coming with an attitude like that from the safety of his well-stocked bar. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Whatevs. More for us :tropical_drink:

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My wife to be picked me up in her grey Mitsubishi Lancer from Kaohsiung airport. Japan was my frame of reference upon arrival… First impression was they were loud on the plane and not dressed that well. Kaohsiung looked like a suburb of Tokyo except more chaos, scooters, and pollution, and the music was terrible. Late nite cable was trippy and artistic. Tried to watch a world cup match and a pivotal goal was interrupted by a PINKY commercial. The baseball was boring and the uniforms looked like NASCAR jerseys.

And lots of noise, the garbage trucks at 4 PM playing Mozart and megaphones with taped messages on repeat a little too loud that people seemed not to notice.

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Ah yes, the Lancer. Some fond memories of my wife, then gf, in that model. Quite versatile, the Lancer. :sunglasses:

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comfy back seat, for example?

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I wonder what would happen if you told a European stuff with numbers?

Like, “Taiwan is the second safest country in the world, behind Iceland.”

Or, “Taiwan has the fourth highest net assets per capita in the world.”

Probably the same reaction.

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They will say, “cool, I’ve always wanted to go to Bangkok”


Yeah, one of my friends told everyone I was moving to Thailand before I came here. :elephant: :thailand: :boxing_glove: