How do we clean up the American health care mess?

Remember these words, everyone! :smile:

Burn it and start over.

They already tried that. Not enough votes.

But now it needs intervention merely to survive. Letting it die of its own unworkability is a viable option. Risky, but viable.

Death spiral update:

From onion of fail to metastasizing cancer.

The dismantling continues…

Some work to do. The long predicted doctor shortage has arrived:

two long-term doctors of my elderly parents retired early, telling my parents they did so just for this reason (Obamacare).
Oh well. The mess continues.

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Almost all doctors retire early.
What world are you living in?
Also what a paradox, Obamacare so bad that doctors can retire early.

Not so sure about that. I know lots of small town doctors who should retire but don’t. Or won’t, usually because their entire being revolves around the practice of medicine.

That said, lots of American MDs are leaving the practice of medicine, although a significant portion are old enough that learning new software is the reason.

Also a big trend among American MDs is accepting no remuneration by insurance companies at all. This is a real trend on the East Coast of the US, especially south of the Mason-Dixon line. The doctors are happier, and so are their (relatively wealthy) patients.

  1. Make medical school affordable.
  2. A huge chunk of medical costs that would burden a country is almost from unhealthy habits like poor diet. I wouldn’t want socialized health care like Taiwan living in the US knowing most of that is going to some obese person who gave zero fucks about his health.
  3. Get politicians out of big pharma and health instruments so they can actually do something about ridiculous prices of hospitals supplies, medicines and medical instruments. You know something is off when I can get the same brand name medication for cheaper without insurance than with insurance. I forgot what medication it was, but the same brand name was 2000% more expansive in the US with insurance vs in Taiwan out of pocket without using NHI
  4. @Dr_Milker said. Actual capitalism that allows competition.
  5. Also perhaps reform on medical school? One doctor told me it’s almost impossible for a doctor to be a physician and innovate in medical devices because med school is so long and costs so much. It’s the corporations that make all of this stuff and jack up the price and give doctors kick back to use it.

Medical schools are fucked, mostly due to politics.

If the US is going to move to a single-payer system (despite your #2), then the kind of person who becomes an MD will change drastically. The majority of American physicians are in medicine for the upper middle-class income, and what that income means for their family. Lots.

If the US passes laws that strip the profit out of medical care, then that income will be drastically reduced. That means an entirely different kind of person - a person not motivated by $$ - will enter medical school. And that will probably mean medical schools will need to make big changes to their tuition fees and to their entry requirements. Huge changes, in fact.

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I think it could be offset if you reform things where doctors can be more entrepreneurial.

It would sure help doctors today, I agree.

Democrats are really pushing single-payer healthcare in the US right now. If that were to happen then the Americans who would go into medical school would be about as entrepreneurial as your average social worker. Meaning they’ll struggle to balance their checkbook.

Entrepreneurialism then will be mostly irrelevant since they won’t be profit-seeking by definition.

JeeZ, it sounds like we just need to blow it up and start from scratch eh

don’t say ‘blow up’.
look what happened to entertainer Jacky Wu’s idiot son in the last week.


Some of these are actually good ideas, albeit rather obvious. It raises the question of why they didn’t do any of these things in that huge bill they passed in 2009.

It’s almost as if they had no intention of fixing health care.

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the guys an uber-type A workaholic
he gets off on even fixing a broken bicycle

I’ll take it. The guy before him got off on breaking things.

News from the world of socialized medicine:

If it goes to a jury, they’re screwed.