How do you deal with isolation at work

According to my contract, I have to be at work up to a certain time although I sometimes stop working very early in the day. Last year it wasn’t compulsory to do so. I have no after-hours jobs nor do I want to get one. Except for the the mandatory xenophobia and Anti-South African bias, the problem is that:

  1. I’m forced to remain at school up to a certain time although I could just as well prepare at home.
  2. My co-teachers, who have no problem speaking English, only speak Chinese to each other.
  3. They know that I have learned quite a lot of Chinese and sometimes switch to Taiwanese/Hakka.
  4. They whisper in company.
  5. Sometimes, they use a few insulting English words, and I have to guess what they are talking about.
  6. They have gone through several teachers over the past few years. Only new teachers accept work from the. People who know them, won’t touch them with a ten-foot pole.
  7. Although the job requires a lot of interaction, my co-workers keep interaction to a minimum.
  8. If I do something slightly unprofessional, I get corrected like a child, but the person who corrects me is late on a daily basis. Others only stay at school to use the internet.
  9. The biggest problem is that the kids love me fanatically (seriously) and I can’t wait to see them in the morning and some other teachers have recently shown more friendliness than my supposed co-teachers. The pay and hours are good.
  10. I’m a passive aggressive, no doubt about it.

How do you suggest I deal with it?

Find another school. Don’t kid yourself about the kids. They’ll survive just fine without you and will love your replacement just as fanatically.
Why spend time with a bunch of twats if you don’t absolutely have to?

[quote=“sandman”]Find another school. Don’t kid yourself about the kids. They’ll survive just fine without you and will love your replacement just as fanatically.
Why spend time with a bunch of twats if you don’t absolutely have to?[/quote]

One other thing keeping there is that there is no guarantee that the next school will be better.
I can easily get a job with exactly the same benefits within a month, but I’m feel I should confront them. Although I’m a passive aggressive, I normally stand my ground.

(By the way, I like the spell check fungshin)

Do exactly as Sandman says. I spent a year and a half in a similar hell. Run RUN as fast as you can.

Have you tried inviting them all to your place for dinner?

The kids??

I don’t doubt you, but is that for real? Is it common? I never heard of that.


As if it’s not bad enough that the rude bitches talk about him in Taiwanese and Hakka in front of his face in the office, he should let them do it in his home, too? AND pay for their dinner, presumably? :loco:

I don’t doubt you, but is that for real? Is it common? I never heard of that.


There are three forms of anti-South African sentiments:

  1. Some people might believe that all South Africans are racists because of Apartheid, although I doubt it since Taiwanese immigrants were considered to be “honorary Whites” in South Africa, while people from China were classified “Coloured” during Apartheid.

  2. If you happen to be South African and Black, you’ve reached stage two.

  3. There is also an anti-South African accent sentiment.

Sounds awful, AAF…

I would definitely look into finding another job…

Life is too short to put up with BS like that on a daily basis…

Good Luck whatever you decide to do :slight_smile:

[quote=“pubba”]Sounds awful, AAF…

I would definitely look into finding another job…

Life is too short to put up with BS like that on a daily basis…

Good Luck whatever you decide to do :slight_smile:[/quote]

Thanks pubba. I’ve really reached a low point and it’s good to know that there is some support out there.

Change schools, become a drunkard or grow a thicker skin.

Have you considered moving away from the city and living somewhere more laid back?

Im staying in Taichung county and the foreigners that I have met lately in my local area seem really decent. Today I went for a job interview at a small buxiban and met a lovely girl from South Africa. And there is another local friend here from Canada.

I have decided to stay in this area for now. There are many job offers around and its a nice luxury to be able to pick and chose what job I will accept… First time ever, actually!

Anyhow - I really feel for you… I have been in similar situations where cliquey people excluded me from conversations, outside work activities etc… and its a terrible feeling…

Come to Taichung county! Join the elite crew :slight_smile: hehe