How do you display and type Chinese text on Windows 98 2nd

I need help.

  1. I need to know where to buy the program or download the program to display and type Chinese characters(BIG5).

  2. I need to know the location or internet address.

  3. I need the know the price

Please help me before my Taiwanese girlfriend goes insane from not being able to chat with her friends and does something drastic. My computer currently doesn’t display Chinese text at all and its not an option on regional settings. My language selection has become indecipherable thanks to my g/f. I don’t know what else she has done or will do in the future.

Please help me,

[quote=“Okami”]I need help.

  1. I need to know where to buy the program or download the program to display and type Chinese characters(BIG5).

Go to Microsoft or Google and search for “IME” and “Traditional Chinese”.

The IME will give Internet Explorer Chinese input and display support. The Chinese fonts will help other applications such as Word display documents with Chinese fonts. It’s not going to help with chat programs like ICQ, unless you use a web-to-ICQ interface at your end.

And if you’ve already got the Chinese fonts intalled on your PC, set the encoding to autoselect, and if that still doesn’t work (you can always trust microsoft) force the browser to read Big5 through the encoding menu. You should at least be able to read BIG5-encoded pages that way.
Sniff sniff … I smell a big stinky Tealit troll.

What kinda talk is that!?!

YOU need to go from this:

To this:

You DA’ MAN.

Show her who’s tha muthafuckin boss on your rig!

That acid is hurting my head. I think I’ll stop now.

Wow, that’s probably the most colorful thing I’ve ever seen in the tech forum.

Didn’t Pee-Wee Herman get busted for masturbating in an adult theater?