Are the below methods to travel Taroko Gorge still valid and applicable ?
To reach Taroko Gorge, the most convenient method of transport is by car. The Hualien Bus Company runs five services a day between Hualien and Tianshiang, and the Taiwan Motor Transport Company offers services from Hualien to Lishan and from Hualien to Taichung; both of these routes pass through Tianshiang but only operate once a day. For more information, contact the Hualien Bus Company at Tel:(03)832-3485(main station) or (03)836-1301(company).
For more detailed information on the Central Cross-Island Highway contact Tel:(03)869-1311, and for the National Park Police Force, Tel:(03)862-1405.
[quote=“be_happy”]Are the below methods to travel Taroko Gorge still valid and applicable ?
To reach Taroko Gorge, the most convenient method of transport is by car. The Hualian Bus Company runs five services a day between Hualian and Tianshiang, and the Taiwan Motor Transport Company offers services from Hualian to Lishan and from Hualian to Taichung; both of these routes pass through Tianshiang but only operate once a day. For more information, contact the Hualian Bus Company at Tel:(03)832-3485(main station) or (03)836-1301(company).
For more detailed information on the Central Cross-Island Highway contact Tel:(03)869-1311, and for the National Park Police Force, Tel:(03)862-1405.
Is there a better way ?
Pls advise [/quote]
Taiwan Tour Bus company if you want a tour.
The best way is scooter if you can drive one. Most places around the Hualien train station won’t rent without a Taiwanese license except one place called Pony. Just exit the train station and head down to the main road. Pony is to the left of the Ching Yeh hotel on Guolian 1 Rd.
BTW, the tourist centre to the right of the train station as you exit is fantastic. The staff speak good English and have everything you need (bus, train, tour schedules, brochures) available in English.
There are two new excellent hostels in Hualien city as well run by English speaking Taiwanese women.
The above quote is accurate. I was only able to rent a 50 cc after some assistance from my very helpful guest house owner. On the other hand, my friends travelling separately got off at the smaller station which is closer to Taroko (forget the name) and were able to rent a 125 cc scooter without issues. I think it helped that they were 2 foreigners and I had my local girlfriend with me so I was not afforded the special foreigner treatment. But perhaps Hualien is just more strict than the small town shops.
Do it on a scooter, for sure, and try to make it during the week if possible. If you must drive visit on the weekend, have breakfast down and be on the bike, riding up the canyon, by 6am.