How do you say "morphology" in chinese

I got suffix - zi2wei3 (yeah yeah ha ha etc…), prefix - zi4shou3 but don’t know “root” or “morphology.”

Might as well do “obsessive” and “compulsive” while we are at it. My vocab list is beginning to spill out the front door here…

Thanks guys.

You can avoid the yukyuk with ci2wei3, btw.

‘Root’ is 字根 zi4gen1, and this is a common term.
‘Morphology’ is 字形學 acc to my dictionary, but I don’t know whether your students will get this.

Nice. Thank you. Could of figured that out if I’d applied some of those analytical skills ironlady talks about…

Yup. Checked out all around. No confusion whatsoever and made a nice example for “metaphor.”
Interesting too that both languages use the same one.

Zi4gen1 is word root, but zi4wei3 (suffix) is word “tail,” and zi4shou3 (prefix) is word “head.” Does this qualify as some sort of mixed metaphor I wonder?


Checked out with resident expert.

Any chance of a pronunciation? I recognize ci2 at the beginning and xue2 at the end but the thing in the middle just looks like a squiggly bit.[/quote]


If ever in the future you come across an unfamiliar Chinese character online, go to this web site ( … ionary.php) and copy and paste the character into the “Chinese-to-English” field to get a definition and pronunciation. Have fun.

Why would you say this in English anyway???

“Word structure”. “How words are made”. “Parts of words”.

Any chance of a pronunciation? I recognize ci2 at the beginning and xue2 at the end but the thing in the middle just looks like a squiggly bit.[/quote]


If ever in the future you come across an unfamiliar Chinese character online, go to this web site ( … ionary.php) and copy and paste the character into the “Chinese-to-English” field to get a definition and pronunciation. Have fun.[/quote]

Thanks. Will do.

[quote=“ironlady”]Why would you say this in English anyway???

“Word structure”. “How words are made”. “Parts of words”.[/quote]

I dunno. I give up?

Here’s the list of words you need to talk about English in Chinese. Long innit?

Accent - kou3yin1
Action Verb - xing2dong4 dong4ci2
Active - zhu3dong4
Adjective - xing2rong2ci2
Adverb - fu4ci2
Alphabet - zi4mu3
Alphabetical order - shen1zi4 qing1dan1
Ambiguous - yi4yi4 bu4 ming2que4 de/
Analogous - xiang1si4 de
Analyze - fen1xi1
Answer - hui2da2
Arbitrary - wu3duan4
Association - lian2jie2
Assume - jia3shi4
Auxiliary Verb - zhu4 dong4ci2
Be Verb - be dong4ci2
Capital letter - Da4 xie3
Category - zhong3lei4
Clause - zi3ju4
Cliché - lao3tao4 de5 hua4
Collect - shou1ji2
Collocation - da4pei1
Colloquial - kou3yu3hua4 de
Comma - dou4hao4
Command - ming4ling4
Complex – fu4za2 de5
Complete Answer - wan2zhen3
de5 da2an4
Confident – zi4xin4
Connotation - hao3/ bu4 hao3
Context - shang4xia4wen2
- yu3yan2 huan2jing4
Contraction - suo1xie3
Contrast - dui4bi3
Conversation - hui4hua4
Cooperate - pei4he2
Copy - kao3bei4
Create - chuang4zao4
Creative - you3 chuang4yi4 de5
Definition - ding4yi4
Deliberate - gu4yi4 de5
Describe - miao2shu4/xing2rong2
Detail - xi4jie2
Determiner - ding4guan4ci2
Dialect – fang1yan2/ di4fang1hua4
Dictation - ting1xie3
Discover - fa1xian4
Distinction - qu1bie2
Essential – ji1ben3 de5
Etymology - ci2yuan2xue2/
Euphemism - wei3wan3 de5 shuo1fa3
Exagerate - kua1zhang1
Example Sentence - Li4ju4
Expansion Exercise - yen2chang2
Expect - qi2dai4
Explode - bao4zha4
Exploit – bo1xue1
Express - biao3shi4/ biao3da2
Expression - biao3da2fa3
Facial expression - lian3 bu4 biao3
Flashcard - dan1zi4ka3
Flow - liu2
Fluent - liu2li4
Focus on - zhuan1zhu4
Follow - zhun1cong2 (instructions)
- genze nian (as I read)
- (me)
Form - xing2shi4
Formal - zheng4shi4 de5
Future - jiang1lai2/ wei4lai2
Generalize – long3tong3
Generally – tong1chang2
Gerund - dong4 ming2 ci2
Goal - mu4biao3 (abstract)
mu4di4 (physical)
Grammar - wen2fa3
Homonym - tong2yin1 yi4yi4 ci2
Idiom - pian4yu3
- xi2guan4yong4yu3
- pian4yu3
Idiomatic translation - yi4yi4
Ignore - hu1shi4
Imagine - xiang3-xiang4
Impression - yin4xiang4
Improvise - shui2ji1ying4bian4
Infinitive - bu4 ding4 ci2
Information Question - xun4xi2 yi2wen4
Informal - fei1zheng4shi4 de
Information Question Words - yi2wen4ci2
ing form - I just use… “ing” xing2shi4
Innuendo - ying3she4
Intend – da3suan1/ yao4 ?
Interpret – quan2shi4 Wo3 bu2 ren4wei2 zhe4 ju4 hua4
ying1gai1 zhe4yang4 zhi2jie1di bei4 quan2shi4.
I don’t think this sentence should (be) thusly
directly [passive] interpreted.
Instinct - zhi1jue2
Intransitive Verb - bu4ji2wu4 dong4ci2
Invent - fa1min2
Letter – zi4mu3
Lines - tai2ci2
Linking Verb - lian2xi4 dong4ci2
Linguistics - yu3yan2 xue2
List - ming2dan1
Literal - an4 zhao4 zi4 mian4 de5 yi4si5
Literal translation - zhi2yi4
Main Verb - zhu3dong4ci2
Memory - ji4yi4
Memory - hui2yi4
Memorize - ji4zhu4
Metaphorical Expression - bi3yu4 de5
Mimic - mo2fang3
Mind - tou2nao3
Miscellaneous - bu4tong2zhong3lei4

  • za2 xiang4
  • ge4 zhong3
    Mnemonic - bang1zhu4 ji4yi4
    Morphology – zi4xing2xue2 字形學
    Modal Verb - qing2tai4 dong4ci2
    Mood - gan3jue2
    Motivation - dong4li4
    Negative (attitude etc.) -
    Negative Answer/ sentence/
    question -
    Fou3ding4 de hui2da2/ ju4zi/
    Noun - ming2ci2
    Object - shou4ci2
    Onomatopoeia - ni3sheng1ci2
    Opaque – bu4 qing1qu5
    Opposite - xiang1fan3
    Order - In order (sequence) shun4xu4
    - (for the purpose of)
    - (a dish) dian4

Organize - tiao2li3 fen1min2/ an4 pai2
Or question - huo4shi4 yi2wen4ju4
Parts of Speech - ge4zhong3ci2lei4
Passive - bei4dong4
Past - guo4qu4
Past Form - guo4qu4 xing2shi4
Past Participle - guo4qu4 fen1ci2
Past Progressive - guo4qu4jin4xing2shi4
Pattern - mo2shi4
Pause - zhan4ting2
Performance - biao3yan3
Period - ju4hao4
Phonics - yin1biao1
Phrase - ci2zu3
Phrasal Verb - dong4ci2 duan3yu3
Pitch - ying1gao1
(high pitch - gao1ying1)
Plan - ji4hua4
Plural - fu4shu4
Poetry - shi1
Positive - ken3ding4
Practical – shi2ji4
Prefix - zi4shou3
Preposition - jie4xi4ci2
Presentation - chen2xian4
Present Perfect - xian4zai4
Present Perfect Progressive -
Present Progressive - xian4zai4
Preview - yu4gao4
Process - guo4cheng2
Punctuation Mark - biao1dian3
Question - yi2wen4ju4
Question Mark - wen4hao4
Read aloud – nian4 qu1 lai2
Recycle - chong2fu4 shi3yong4
Review - fu4xi2 (a lesson)
- ping2lun4 (critical)
Revise - xiu1zheng4
Rhythym - jie2zou4
Rhyme - ya1yun4
Root – zi4gen1 字根
Rule – gui1ding4
Sense (of a word) – yi4yi4
(Zhe4ge5 ci2 yong4 de5 shi4 bi3yu4 yi4,
bu2 shi4 ben3yi4.)
(different sense – bu4 tong2 de5 yi4yi4
Science – ke1xue2
Script - zhu4ben3
Sarcasm – feng3ci4 de5
Satire – feng3ci4 de5
Sentence - ju4zi
Shallow – qian3
Short answer - duan3 de hui2da2
Silly - sha3
Simple Form of the Verb - yuen2xing2
jian3dan1 xing2shi4
Simple Future - wei4lai2shi2
Simple Past - guo4qu4shi2
Simple Present - xian4zai4shi2
Sing along –
Singular - dan1shu4
Skill - ji4neng2/ ji4qiao3
Solve - jie3jue2
Speak Silently - bu4 chu1 sheng1 de5
Specific - te4ding4 de
Spoken Sentence - ju4hua4
Standard - biao1zhun3
Standardize - shi3 he2 biao1zhun3
Statement - chen2shu4ju4
Strategy - ce4lue4 (weird smily u)
Stress - zhong4yin1
Structure - jie2gou4
Struggle - zheng1zha2
Style - feng1ge2
Subconscious - qian2yi4shi4 de5
Subject - zhu3ci2
Subtle – wei1miao4
Suffix - zi2wei3/ ci2wei3
Suggestive - yin3yue1 隱約(ta1 hao3xiang4 xiang3 shuo1…)
Summary - zong3jie2
Syllable - yin1jie2
Symbol - xiang4zheng1

  • he2ping2 de5 xiang4zheng)
  • hua4xue2 fu2hao4)
    Symbolize - dai4biao3
    Synonym - tong2 yi4 ci2
    Synopsis - zhu4qing2gai4yao4
    Take turns - lun4liu4
    Tempo - pai1zi5
    Test - kao3 (v.)
    - kao3shi4 (n.)
    Theme - zhu3ti2 (message)
    - hua4ti2 (topic)
    Tone - 1st, 2nd…. sheng1diao4
  • Sheng1yin1 de5 yin1diao4 (tone of Voice)
  • ying1gao1 (pitch)
    Translation - fan1yi4
    Transparent – qing1chu5
    Transitive Verb - ji2wu4 dong4ci2
    Usage - shi3yong4
    Useful – you3yong4 de5
    Verb - dong4ci2
    Verb Phrase - dong4ci2 ci2zu3
    Verb Tense - dong4ci2shi2tai4
    Verse - ge1 de5 yi2 bu4 fen4
    Voiced – you3shen1 de5
    Voiceless – wu2shen1 de5
    Word - dan1zi4
    Word list - dan1zi4 ming2dan1
    Yes/No Question - dui4bu2dui4/shi4bu2shi4/
    Yoga -


Why not ‘kungfu’ then? :wink: --e.g. His English grammar kungfu is awesome.

Get your students to translate Kung Fu Fighting (youtube). I think they’d enjoy it.

If your students are younger and prefer a hip-hop cartoon version, try this: Kung Fu Bunny

And every one of those words can be taught through English. Quite easily and effectively.

I know you love Chinese, bob. I do too. And it’s always tempting to use the opportunity of teaching one’s students to improve one’s own L2. But isn’t one of the pet peeves of students in Chinese classes in Taiwan the teacher who always wants to practice her own English, rather than explain things in simple Chinese?

Hmmm…food for thought, yes?
