Just wondering if anyone has any idea how Google works. I was pretty amazed today when I read an advert in the Forumosa classified section that had been posted at 10.30am today. It included a TV model number so I thought I’d search on google.co.uk to try and find out more about the model:
Just came back with two results - one of them being the post on Forumosa. Does Google always index these files so quickly (in a matter of hours?)
Also, anyone got any tips on how to get your site listed on Google.
I believe Google uses some sort of logarithm or algorithm to determine the search results, I know it is different than other search engines which is why, at least in some peoples opinion, that Google is or has already taken over Yahoo as the most popular search engine.
Try this page: google.com/addurl.html
It worked for me: If you search ‘motorcycle touring Taiwan’ on Google my site comes up no.1
You might have to wait a few weeks for your site to show up though; I had to.
I think my membership of a Webring, my postings on this and other discussion boards, and link exchanges have all aided the visibility of my site.
Also, some people have linked to me without my knowledge, which is great.
Bangkok Riders Club link to both Forumosa and my site here; geocities.com/bkkriders/asia/ (scroll down to ‘Taiwan’)
And what appears to be a new site; ESL Island Taiwan has been kind enough to devote a page to my site: eslisland.com/life/MotorcyclesTours.htm
Actually, they are too kind; if they were more honest they should have said something like;
“Shows potential but webmaster is too lazy to organise the legal section”.
One of the things Google does is to webcrawl. Getting people to link to your site is one way of driving up your ratings. Another is that Google tracks which links get clicked on when it displays them, so if you have a useful site it will remember that too.
They just changed their ranking algorithm a week or so ago, “destroying” the businesses of the spammer crowd who would bump up your ranking (how high in Google’s results your site would appear, given certain keyword searches) by linking to your site, etc. – good riddance.
They just changed their ranking algorithm a week or so ago, “destroying” the businesses of the spammer crowd who would bump up your ranking (how high in Google’s results your site would appear, given certain keyword searches) by linking to your site, etc. – good riddance.[/quote]
Really? this story about ‘google bombing’ is only 2 days old, but it could just be the BBC being slow again.
sometimes u can be linked to a site that does not have any of the search words. this can be attributed to people typing in particular words and linking them to a site. for example, go to google and:
One of the best sources of info regarding getting well-ranked on Google is the forum on webmasterworld.com . Some of the forum members are even Google employees.