How does NIA track entry and exit dates if you leave and enter by private boat?

How does NIA track entry and exit dates (for naturalisation and APRC purposes) if you leave and enter by private boat?

do you mean stow away?

I mean, if an individual had a private boat and used it to leave the country. Is that not possible?

Isn’t it illegal?

To leave the country by private boat?

Why would that be illegal? To stop draft dodgers?

You have to check in/out with the coast guard and Immigration. Down in Kentting there was a phone type thing you use to check yourself in/out when I went sailing.

You can just phone someone and they will “okay” you LMAO. Other places will have the coast guard board your boat and ask you questions and shit. It really depends on where you are, but yeah you’ll have to check in and talk to someone If you want to do it legally.

:desert_island: :sailboat: :slight_smile:

[edited by mod]

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No of course not, I was just wondering how this kind of thing was controlled when I was in the shower.


It’s not illegal to leave, but to leave and return without telling anyone is illegal.

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I imagine it happens quite a lot if it’s so easy.

Seems like a good way to cheat the 183 day rule, not that it’s something I would do myself.

From what I saw I was the only dumbass to follow the rules. A lot of “sailors” and “fisherman” here have ZERO respect for the sea/rules or safety. They act like boats are just cars on the water and don’t pay attention or have any idea of what they are doing. I’ve seen some serious shit out on the water here haha.

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You can’t cheat the rule by sailing out to international waters on your own because you need the stamp in your passport to prove exit. You could go to immigration in Keelung port and claim to be embarking on a voyage, get the stamp, sail out for a night then land somewhere on the coast the next day. But if the coast guard catch you you’re an illegal.

You’re supposed to call in when you enter/exit the country’s waters. I’ve done this before crossing from the US/Canada and vice versa. For the most part they will give you an OK, or tell you to report to a certain station and wait for agents to come for further questions. Occasionally they will intercept your boat on the water and do the process there.

Even though you may think this is a chink in the armor, boats are easy to track on radar and they are all registered.