How does one last more than two years at a cram school?

From my personal experience and what I have read on this forum. How do teachers manage to last more than two years at a cram school? Two years at the same school seems to be my max.

Start your own cram school. Then you have no where to go. :slight_smile:

I thought you meant in general (as in, how does one last 2 years teaching at cram school(s) regardless of how many they teach at) and I was about to reply “god only knows”. I lasted 10 months and now I teach adults. I guess it’s still technically cram school but I could probably last 10 years at my current place of employment…

Funny but I meant working for someone else. Either way it doesn’t matter. I will become a Speech Language Pathologist or get an MBA. I will hopefully be doing one of those graduate problems soon.

Actually I meant teaching kids and not being replaced.

I know that some people on here have taught at the same school for a long time. How do they do it?

Smoke or drink a lot, I think.

[quote=“steelersman”]Actually I meant teaching kids and not being replaced.

I know that some people on here have taught at the same school for a long time. How do they do it?[/quote]

Are you asking about how do people manage to tolerate working at a cram school for more than 2 years, or how do they manage to avoid getting replaced?

I enjoy teaching. I constantly work hard to get become a better teacher. I take courses in it, study the latest theories, and learn from teachers with more experience. This seems to work for me.

I guess that if I didn’t feel this way I would get out of teaching ASAP and do something I enjoyed.

I mean how does one avoid getting replaced?

That’s a difficult question to answer because I’ve never been replaced. This may just be the result of luck. In my experience most Taiwanese buxiban owners try to avoid firing western teachers because it makes things difficult to explain to the students and parents.

Yes but what if parents complain.

Anways, I used to care. After two years, it is difficult for me to care anymore.

I must not be so terrible or I would not last two years.

The kids seem to have fun and do well on the test.

Don’t ask for more money, don’t rock the boat, do whatever the boss tells you.

Actually I don’t rock the boat. Even I take my manager yelling at me and don’t say anything. If it was not for them owning my ARC I would have told her to go fuck herself and would have left already.

Behave like an Adiot may help!

Probably, Taiwanese seem to like that.

Totally… true.[/quote]

Thanks but that would be about the last thing I would do.

[quote=“Gladiator”]My own country too, because the U.S. sold us out under false pretensesa.

But we are harder men than them.[/quote]

Only since the introduction of Viagra. :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t get my Gladiator decoder ring in my last instant noodle packet. Because I have not understand anything that you have typed.

Back on topic - If you want to stay at a cram school then show your boss the respect they think they deserve whether they do or not. Keep your Taiwanese teachers/assistants happy. And keep your students happy which should equal high return rates. It helps if you actually teach something but that is optional.

Well I think that my students are usually happy. I teach what is in the book whether it is relevant or not. The students do well on the test but the Taiwanese staff have problems that the students are loud or not under control like they want them.

Furthermore, there is not much I can do. Every time I punish the students I am told that I am not allowed to do that. I make them stay after class, make them write, etc. Also I am not allowed to do that but I must control the students.

In my 10 yrs I only had 3 jobs…3yrs at Joy, 3 yrs at Kid Castle, 4 years(and counting) at my current school. If you like the school, and you follow instructions, and can control the kids…should be ok.

If you have a screaming manager it’s propably better that you leave that place! Don’t let the kids stay after school though, the parents are super busy and the CT usually has to call to talk to them about it right?

The problem is I can’t get the kids to stop screaming.