How early to start looking for new work

So basically I’ve been working as a high school teacher at a public school in Taipei. Recently, I started my PhD. My school has been awesome and has given me one day a week to attend classes (since the Taipei moe refused to update the pay schedule to the new wages for English teachers I was able to negotiate this). However, 1. They said this is limited only to this year and 2. I’d like to take 3 classes each semester next year so I can finish the coursework a but quicker and focus more on research.
Additionally, my school is quite far away from my university.

So now I know I won’t stay next year (unless the school can offer me less work time without cutting my pay). My contract is up at the end of July. How early should I start looking for work?

Is it feasible to make 60,000 a month part time (like 20-30 hours a week) outside of teaching? Actually I’d prefer to work in research in some capacity if possible. Maybe project management or research manager or something similar? Ultimately I’d like to open my own research firm focused on UX, and social science research and policy solutions but that’s more of a long term goal (especially since I only have a little savings left after my wedding/ honeymoon)

Edit: I forgot to mention my skill sets. I have my bachelor’s in psychology and political science and worked as a RA in a social psychology research lab where I learned SPSS, lab procedures, and participant recruitment, I have my masters in applied social and political psychology where I was an apprentice in a different social psychology lab where I learned psychopy with an emphasis on social media and gaming psychology and designed research using IAT (implicit association tests) on secondary identity and group conflict.

I also served 4 years in the USMC (united States Marine Corps) as a data network specialist which like a systems administrator, network administrator and help desk rolled into 1. I completed my CCNA and my security plus (although they expired by now). I also have been a teacher, first at a cram school for a year, then as a title 1 teacher in Milwaukee for another year and now 1.5 years as a high school teacher in Taipei where I’ve also taught history, geography, and literature along with ELL. I’m certified in Wisconsin for English Language arts.

I’m currently a PhD student at NCCU where I study at the International doctoral program in Asian Studies.

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if you want flexibility, high income vis a vis the time you put in my advice is to stay in teaching, but focus on high paying gigs: specifically university admissions.
helping with essays, SAT, GRE etc is highly compensated (1000 to 1200 nt an hour) so you can reach you 60K with minimum time and devote more time for studies.
part time work as a PM doesnt really fly here, projects usually require full time management, but if you have a specific skill set, you can maybe offer your services as a consultant. the downside of this option is that you will have to invest a lot of time in getting these consulting jobs (i.e. marketing yourself).
a third option is to work remotely for US companies, there are many more companies in your field, and if they agree you work remote you can make more money compared to TW.

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Start now

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Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve been trying hard with the remote thing but my resumes/applications just get passed over each time. I’ve tried tweaking them as much as I can but I think the geographical location might be getting me auto rejected? Most positions that say remote seem to specify “within the United States”. It’s frustrating because it’s actually better for me to work late/very early hours since it’d give me more time to attend classes in the morning.

I’ve tried networking on LinkedIn. I’ve made some really good connections but keep hitting the sane issue.

I’ll try the higher paying teaching gigs like you suggested. Do you know of specific companies I can reach out to here? I know Elite English as one. The other ones I know offer poor deals (like gjun, global village). I’ve tried scouring 1111 and 104 but the jobs are almost all for little ones offering those entry level base salaries (600-700/hr).

So yeah any suggestions on where to improve my search would help a ton. Unfortunately my Chinese is only basic still.

Ok so it’s not too early! Thanks for this

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start by googling 美國留學 or 美國大學申請.
the first results are usually all ads for companies helping with applications etc.
make a list of the companies offering this service and call / email to see if they are hiring.
i assume you wont be hired immediately, but it will give you a feel of the pay scale and working conditions.


That’s ok if I don’t get hired right away, I’m not able to work until August 1 anyway