How feminism has ruined some women's sex lives … y-sex-life

[quote]You know that stuff you’ve been reading in the girly magazines that tell you that women like to be romanced with candlelit dinners before you gently (gently!) make love to them by first giving them hours of oral pleasure and then softly (oh so softly!) penetrating them while staring lovingly into their eyes…always making absolutely sure that they reach orgasm first?

Well, it’s all bunk.

Do you want to know what we really talked about when discussing the best sex we ever had? We talked about our scraped knees and the bruises on our backs where we were bitten in the throes of passion. No one even mentioned that time you filled the bathtub full of rose petals and blah, blah, blah. It was that time in the back seat of an old chevy with our faces crudely pressed up against the window that got us hot.

Luckily I figured this one out a long time ago. Being in Taiwan has helped, I think.

I don’t think feminism had anything to do with pushing roses and bathes. That’s straight out of the repressed housewife’s fantasy kit. Calling women’s magazine carriers of the feminist torch is a bit ridiculous don’t you think. Those mags are designed to show woman how to play traditional sex roles for the most part.

Feminism got me the right to a university education, the chance to earn my own money and the safety to do what I like without getting stoned to death or burnt as a witch.

At no point can it be held responsible for men not having the social skills to figure out when to employ the candle-lit dinner and rose petals approach and when to employ the ‘other’ approach… :unamused:

I’m going to rupture an eyebrow over the ‘Dating and Relationships’ forum one of these days.

Yeah, it was definitely Cosmo that overdid the arse play, not feminism.

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Yeah? What about the time I shoved three candles up your wherewithall, whipped you raw with six long-stemmed roses and held your head under the bathwater till you about passed out while pounding… no, I guess you WOULDN’T want to talk about that to your stupid friends. Wouldn’t want to make them jealous.
God these kind of brainless twats piss me off.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Yeah, it was definitely Cosmo that overdid the arse play, not feminism.

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I agree. Blame it on Cosmo.

[quote=“bismarck”][quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Yeah, it was definitely Cosmo that overdid the arse play, not feminism.

Oops! Is this the right thread?


I agree. Blame it on Cosmo.[/quote]

No, blame it on men who are shit in bed.

Men and women who are reading about how to do it, aren’t doing it.

Buttercup wrote:

Both styles are necessary. By the way, why jump to the above conclusion so quickly? women can be bad in bed, too. :laughing:

[quote=“beautifulspam”]Buttercup wrote:

Both styles are necessary. By the way, why jump to the above conclusion so quickly? women can be bad in bed, too. :laughing:[/quote]

Sure, but that’s a different thread.

I think it is only men who think women like one or the other.
Thing is, we like both.
The best lovers are the ones who some days lay us down on satin sheets and slowly take us away and on other days f our brains out.

what about those days when both occur …

I still think this is at least partially the fault of some women who think of themselves as “nice girls” and have a mental block about the “other” kind of sex.

‘Baby you were a wildcat last night.’

‘No, it was being very romantic.’

‘Have it your way. I did you up against the wall with your ankles locked around my waist…romantically’

[quote=“SuchAFob”]I think it is only men who think women like one or the other.
Thing is, we like both.
The best lovers are the ones who some days lay us down on satin sheets and slowly take us away and on other days f our brains out.[/quote]

BTW, what’s your phone number?






Just kidding, kid!


Besides, I still don’t get how feminism has shit to do with the sensitive shit. One of the things that feminism has done for women is teach us that it is completely okay for us to love sex for reasons other than for men.
Before sex was “for men”. Now we can have it for us.
I know the way my mom talks about sex. Holy crap. Everything is about satisfying my husband. I shouldn’t have sex before marriage but it okay if my husband has done half the town…
feminism changed this.
That sensitive post is more 1950s where as the “pull my hair out” is an attitude we weren’t allowed to have previously, for fear that we would be deemed “dirty” or “loose”.

Sometime it’s mutal rape, other times fun and sometimes romatic and nice.

Back home we got this feminist group that are of the exstreme kind trowing dog shit on people entering places where stripping is performed. On off those fat ugly girls there

(one off those with big enough clitt to stroke it)
was with a couple that like a litle beating in a radio show. She acused the guy for beating the girl and that she really did not like it.

The girl explained that he did not hit her, but that it was the other way around :laughing: Then the femeist weirdo changed aproatch and it was all the suden the man forcing her to beat him :bravo:

Some of you obviously critiqued this article without having read it. It’s not all about lovey-dovey Cosmo stuff, and it’s not a critique of Feminism in general. It does give due credit to Feminism in other arenas, but specifically points out a misconception Feminism can be blamed for with regard to sex:

[quote] I read an article that listed rape as one of the top three sex fantasies that women have. Rape. I heard a feminist justify this by saying that all rape fantasies, at some point, become consensual mid act because no real woman would ever want to be dominated. Well, I don’t know what women she talked too, but my rape fantasies stay about rape all the way up until the point where he spits on me and walks away. Dominate me, baby.

Now men, I am not saying that you should go out and rape a woman. Like most fantasies, the whole scenario is sexier in our heads than it’d be in real life. All I’m saying is that your woman wants a little aggression, a dash of force! Use good judgment!

And ladies? Quit feeling so damn guilty about your natural sexual desires. Wanting to be fucked does not mean you have a low self esteem. There is nothing wrong with you! Ultimately, sex is a biological instinct and all the feminist propaganda in the world will not change that. [b]Revel in your sexual equality where you should: in the workplace, in politics, etc.

Inside of the bedroom, feel free to be the naughty fucksluts I know you want to be.[/b]

Sex and Feminism… bit of an oxymoron really.

Some of you rag on as if the human race hadn’t discovered the pleasures to be had already

Sex manuals have been written thousands of years ago… Seems some so called modern woman have been a bit slow to catch on.

Sex is overrated anyways :smiley: :smiley:

On the other hand a long hot bath, followed by a long hot oil massage and then some other activities are worthwhile.

You needed feminism to teach you that. Damn, horny teenage girls will give you plenty of reasons to love sex for reasons other than men.

Did you skip your adolescence??

The Catholic Church did it for me :s