How Liberals Injure Blacks

That’s great, but I’ve been out of H.S. for almost 20 years. Damn I’m old. :laughing:

:roflmao: Sorry, I don’t mean to be snide but slavery in America was a major contribution to the American economy.

How Slavery Helped Build a World Economy

I would say that isn’t being incapable of contributing. Just not getting paid or recognized for a day’s work…

I think Imaniou makes a great arguement about this type of recognition in this thread

Black History Month

Again, ImanioU at her finest…

Carver’s inventions have been questioned because he kept no record, and yes they didn’t impact society at large. But Benjamin Banneker is different.
Benjamin Banneker

Why shouldn’t we go out of our way to teach “Black” history? We learn about European history via WWI,WWII and Revolutionary War. It wouldn’t be “Black” history if we just introduced the person via their accomplisments and impact on American history, rather than saying, Joe Smo, A BLACK BLAH BLAH, who invented roller skates.

I think that Hollywood is moving more toward homosexual onscreen relationship due to the fact that there is an economic base for it. This year there has been one interracial relationship themed movie, but it was low bugdet with B list actors. Now, you may say what difference does that make. It does in terms of getting it to be the norm. If Tom Cruise,Brad Pitt,Will Smith did such a story, that star power draws audiences, which begins to shift the perception of Hollywood, getting them to greenlight more. Hollywood is about money, if someone pitching them a good interracial story but if the Execs can’t see $$$, then it’s out the door.

Yes but Will Smith and Morgan Freeman are well known actors, who’ve crossed over-meaning they have a white audience fan base. There are plenty of good or better Black actors out there who aren’t being given the chance to show their skills in other types of characters because of lack of recognition. Or maybe their agent sucks. Nonetheless, I don’t want to keep seeing Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Jada Pinkett,Morgan Freeman,Vivica Fox as my only main choices for lead roles.

I think anyone would be willing to speak so freely in a room of any type of strangers. There is always that fear of offending or being misunderstood. Also, what is correct to talk about culturally. Even if I were in a room full of Jewish people, I would be very careful about what I said about the Middle East crisis. Not a fear of insulting them but rather being seen as taking sides or being brushed off because I’m not Jewish. Heck, men could feel that way about discussing sexism with a room full of women…