I have to get in and out of the tax office within 30 minutes when going to file my returns (because I have to get back to work in Taoyuan) Is this possible? I have to go to the Sanchong branch in Taipei.
Well, I filed at the Pancioa/ChongHo branch on the last day last year, went back a 2nd time to pick up my check and a third time for photocopies of my paperwork.
In total I have spent more time in the elevators of the building than in line or being processed.
If you are allowed to go to that branch, see the elderly gentleman on the right as you walk in the door.
Even the first time I filed in Hsi Men Ding, it took me all of 15 minutes.
Say what you want about Taiwan, they are certainly effecient.
In fact, the only real governmental line-ups I experience here are at The Canadian Trade Office. Just like being home.
So, ya Mu, you should be able to get it all done.