How long have you lived in Taiwan and what keeps you there?

I get a strong feeling that Taipei is certainly not as attractive as it could be but there must be a few things about it which are endearing to people… Can anyone tell me a bit about Haulien? It has grown a lot over the years I would assume and I know that the climate is one of the best on the Island, but that’s about all I know. I’ll be moving there in about three weeks time and would really like to know a little bit about it generally. Any thoughts you’d like to share? Any one on this site live there?

Or someone who sees beauty everywhere?

Not claiming to be one of those people, and it certainly is ugly in places, but as a whole Taipei is a wonderful place.


What keeps me here?

Well maybe not a lot since I failed the drug test on the medical exam. amphetamine in the urine test - It sucks - I never take drugs, but it may all come down to some cold medicine and diabeties medication. In short I have to retest and convince the same asses that failed me that I am not a druggie.

[quote=“Boss Hogg”]What keeps me here?

Well maybe not a lot since I failed the drug test on the medical exam. amphetamine in the urine test - It sucks - I never take drugs, but it may all come down to some cold medicine and diabeties medication. In short I have to retest and convince the same asses that failed me that I am not a druggie.[/quote]

God, that sucks. A skier from my hometown in Scotland was stripped of his Olympic medal at the last games because he tested positive. Turned out it was ephedrine from cold medication that did it. He was eventually exonerated but didn’t get his medal back. You’ll be fine. You can always dig out your anti-drug posts here – that oughter convince them. Boss Hogg? A tweaker? NEVER!!!

I will be going to the Dr. tonight to get copies of my scripts for my medication to show that there is a chance that there has been an incredible F#$@ up somewhere in the system.

To think I need to cancel classes to go and sort this crap out.
If all else fails I’ll sick a legislator onto the hospital - one in the distant family