How male or female is your brain?

How male or female is your brain?
The following tests were developed by Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge.

Baron-Cohen’s theory is that the female brain is predominantly hard-wired for empathy, and that the male brain is predominantly hard-wired for understanding and building systems. He calls it the empathising-systemising (E-S) theory. … 43,00.html

I scored 55 on the empathy quotient test and 41 on the systemising quotient test.

I only scored 41 on EQ and 21 on SQ. Maybe I’m dead or dying.

I scored 65 on EQ and 15 on SQ.

An emotional genius, but a systems moron.

Sounds about right.

Oh no…47 on EQ (dead on average for women) and 57 on SQ (“almost no women score this high”)…maybe I’m a man trapped in a woman’s body???

Ouch…“extreme type S”? Sounds like a spy novel.

Damn, Ironlady…I’ll trade you some SQ for all my EQ. :smiley:

Nah…then I’d have to get all kind and cuddly and stuff. Plus, it’s official: I’m actually a reptile. I clocked in at a whopping 33 degrees yesterday before class in Taipei. I guess I’m a logical, but not very lovable, reptile. :unamused:

I got a 57 too Terry, so it’s a crock. Why such a generalization about ‘no women scoring that high’ unless they input a ‘what sex are you’ questionnaire at the beginning of the test? Oh, so maybe I have Asperger Syndrome! :imp: Morons.

EQ 28, SQ 39. But I think this just means that I’m lazy. :wink:

47 EQ, 22 SQ. Good thing I went into linguistics and French instead of chemistry at university. If only I had Asperger Syndrome…then I’d have an excuse for losing my 15-lb. backpack in a taxi.

Ditto it’s crock. Got an SQ of 28 despite having taken all the sciences at school and then two science degrees :cry: . “I think about the way the rail networks are connected when I travel on a train” - gimme a break!

yeah, same thing…the aerodynamics of a plane when i fly in it?

Only if it’s going down and I am trying to figure out how much time I have before I need to swim or try that jumping up thing right before it hits the ground.

I started off as a chemistry major before skipping classes and partying caught up with me. I ranked 10th in a statewide chemistry contest, but my SQ is only 22? Please. :unamused:

I seldom believe in any of these quizzes and online personality tests, but it’s fun to do and more entertaining than watching my toenails grow. According to Quizilla, one of the only scientifically-based quiz sites that I truly believe in, I am Angelina Jolie, and I’m going to be doing Orlando Bloom.

Orlando Bloom certainly is ‘doable’.
As for rail networks linking up, of course I think about that when I take the MRT!

My score:
70 on EQ
27 on SQ

That sucks coz I’m a computer programmer. I’ve just recently discovered this fact that i am more of a people person. I care about the well being of others and my passion lies with charities. What the f*ck am i doing in the IT world? Perhaps a career change? What does a person with high SQ do anyways? :unamused:

These scores remind me of my SAT scores in high school. My verbal and quanitative scores were very close, with verbal just lower than quantitative. That struck me as counter-intuitive, seeing how I always enjoyed languages and the arts more than science.

I got to Q 11 of the first batch of questions before I got bored and quit. I guess that means I’m at least smarter than a female gerbil. So that’s OK. And twonavels? You’re wrong. Watching your toenails grow is far more interesting and exciting than this quiz.

54 SQ
28 EQ
either i am autistic or i just fucking hate being around people.
they should have an extra option in the test where you could choose

“I don’t give a shit either way.”

The shocking truth:

but IQ185 :wink:

Guess that explains why I am an engineer …

Me too. They didn’t say it was going to be so damn long.

Anyway, seemed like a loada bullocks to me. Questions like 'You are always sensitive to the feeling of others in a conversation?" (or something) and I think “sounds good, I should tick ‘agree’, oh hang on, am I really?, probably not, but if I tick ‘strongly agree’ then I’ll get a higher EQ score, oh bugger this, I give up”.

I might right a new BQ (bullshit quotient) test. It will have questions like:

  1. I usually bullshit on this type of test - strongly agree/slightly agree/ slightly disagree/ slightly disagree
  2. I’m a habitual liar - strongly agree/slightly agree/ slightly disagree/ slightly disagree


What if you strongly agree that you are a habitual liar? Is it like that one paradox that goes, “This sentence is false.”?