How much money do you or did you earn teaching English?
Less than NT$30,000/month
More than NT$130,000/month
I was just posting a thread about coming to Taiwan to pay off student loans. I made a guess about what teachers here earn on average. Now I’m curious to see how accurate my guess was.
Of course this isn’t going to be a scientific survey, but at least we can get a base idea. If you currently are not teaching, but did within the last 10 years, you may post that. No need to adjust for inflation. :raspberry:
For those who have had multiple jobs at multiple places that would fall into more than one category, please choose the category you think best represents what you would typicaly earn.
Include tutoring work if it was a stable part of your income for a year or more.
Do not include earnings from owning a school or doing non-teaching work.
Should we count correcting written work (editing) if we are in fact teaching them how to write better, or are you limiting this to classroom-style and 1-on-1 teaching, in the student’s presence?
I’m guessing because starting a school requires significant resources that someone who is coming to pay off student loans might not have.[/quote]
Sure, but his argument seems to be that one may be better off staying in their country than coming here and working in the tefl industry to pay off debts. If we exclude some of the more successful teflers, we are not presenting a complete picture of the possibilities in the industry here.
Also, where do we draw the line? When do you own a school? When you put a sign on a door or when you organize private classes in your home? Seems arbitrary.
I’m guessing because starting a school requires significant resources that someone who is coming to pay off student loans might not have.[/quote]
Yep, that’s pretty much why I made that stipulation.
In the other thread, I did raise the issue. In some industries you would be hurting yourself by delaying getting in to come here and pay off your debt. But that’s irrelevant to this particular question. I’m just looking for earnings of the typical teacher.
I don’t mean to ignore it. People can have a very good career if they want to seriously start up a teaching business working for themselves. But I want to separate short-term and career. Owning a buisness seems to be a logical place to separate things.
For the purpose of this poll, I’d say it’s when you get your ARC through your school, or if you could if needed.
This isn’t a formal survey, so letting people use their own best judment should be ok.
I think if you are wondering about how you are going to repay your student loans, you are asking the wrong question. You should ask “how much money do you save each month?” I think this way you will be much more interested in working in Taiwan. Salaries in Taiwan are lower compared to a lot places in the world. You can make a lot more in the U.A.E. or Japan, but in Taiwan you will be able to save a lot of money by living more simply. For example, I would probably have a better salary in my own country, but here I can save most of my income. My rent and expenses are only about 10% of my monthly income. I save money for travel and collecting antiques. But you could save at least half of your income and repay your student loans. Be patient at first; it may take a few months to get set up.
Not counting gratuities I make about as much as a welfare recipient back in Canada. Gratuities it should be mentioned however can be quite generous, indeed without the gratuities I could hardly maintain my intercontinental life, artistic ambitions and what have you, and this of course would be an immense tragedy. Only the truly masochistic, crimminally insane and perenially stupid teach English without substantial gratuities. You do realize that it is virtually impossible to learn English as a second language right? It is a good idea to proceed in this endaevor with a firm grounding in the basics at least. Anyway, whatever. Good luck.
5 year olds? I have absolutely no idea what kind of person teaches five year olds. Better people than me I hope. Anyway, my students tend to be in the 25-65 year old catagory. No, I’m not kidding. I have a student who is 65. Second language acquistion in the geriatric community is a neglected area of research I’ve noticed. Perhaps I’ll write another book. Nobody read the first two but I am hoping for great success posthumously.
“Hey you little midget give me your lunch money” but but, I don’t have any, “Don’t make me flip you upside down again, cough it up or back in your cage you go.” Then they laugh and ask if they can pull my finger. Education is the best.
I have no idea what any of that meant, but you clearly have more drink than me. I demand you hand over at least three Heinekens as I intend to stay up until daybreak and hang on there are a couple left in the fridge. Poor things. The door must have closed on them. Let me get you both a blanket. Not you, bob.
Last year was awful.I worked four part time gigs and made 50 per mo.I spend more time on the road than I did in the classrm.
This yr p/t mornings/affternoons high school teaching 40.000 per mo and f/t buxiban 57.000 per mo, both within walking distance.
I have no idea what any of that meant, but you clearly have more drink than me. I demand you hand over at least three Heinekens as I intend to stay up until daybreak and hang on there are a couple left in the fridge. Poor things. The door must have closed on them. Let me get you both a blanket. Not you, bob.[/quote]
I have no idea either my dear Lord Lucan but there is certain comfort that comes from the tippity tap of the key boards in the middle of the night and the realization that some wretched soul, perhaps a soul so wretched as my own in fact, cares about the product of my tippity tapping enough to respond. In a thousand years they will have computer programs that are capable of scanning for literary genius and there we will be, brought out from the darkness and into the full light of glory and fame that is rightfully ours!