How much does your voice sound like your parents’?
- People can’t tell us apart on the phone
- I have my moments when I sound like them
- I sound a little bit like them
- I don’t sound like them at all
I have very scary moments from time to time. Moments where I listen to the sound of my voice and it sounds exactly like my mother’s. I’m not talking about the words that I say, I’ve long gotten over the fact that I am saying some of the things my mother said to me when I was little. But even my grandmother has a hard time telling me from my mother over the telephone (she is only 68 years old and very healthy so it’s not difficulty because of any mental disease). And I find it’s happening more and more lately. Then again, when my mother was my age, I was 6 so I would be able to remember the sound of her voice from then.
So the question is, how much do you sound like one (or both) of your parents and how old were you when you first realized the similarity?
Wow. I’m a dumbass. Shoulda read fa post better, thar.
People call for me or my mother and immediately talk to who ever picks up the phone. We sound almost identical. Which is strange because she was also mezosoprano in choir and I was always alto.
I don’t sound like my parents; they are evil Waishengren (from Britain) whilst I’m a Benshengren (first Kiwi in the family). Mind you, I would actually prefer to sound like them: they have better accents than my whiny downunder sound - I’ve spent too much time around sheep I guess.
Go easy on your Ma. As long as she is a good person, the rest is detail.
I usually can’t tell, but others tell me that I sound a bit like my father. (I don’t sound anything like my mother.) I think my voice sounds a lot more like my older brother.
Oh God! If I sing like my mother, please shoot me. I often wish I had gained genes from a most mellifluous-voiced mother than mine. I sing all the time at home, and my mother used to sing songs to me every morning to wake me up for school and loves singing along with our regular traditional musicals like Rudolph, The Sound of Music, and Dumbo… but do not put that woman anywhere near a stereo if it’s playing music she is even slightly familiar with. I love her to pieces, but she couldn’t carry a tune if it came with a basket, handles, and a neck strap.
Don’t sound anything like mom, nor dad for that matter. Do sound very much like my brother and I often gained great insight into his life by just listening when his friends called and thought I was him.