How much does premiun unleaded gas cost in Taipei this week?

how much does premiun unleaded gas cost in Taipei this week, first week of March?
(in dollars per gallon, if possible)

by the way, what is the highest octane currently available? 95, 98 or other?
is that any different when compared to US premium gasoline, which only
goes up to 93-octane? (and all have 10% ethanol added :frowning: )

Thanks! :slight_smile:

You can do the math. The highest octane I have seen is 98 and right now it is 32.2NT per liter. That’s all the info I have to give.

how much is a gallon? nobody sells it by the gallon here. i don’t think a gallon is the right shape to fit into a scooter petrol tank, anyway…

Is that an Imperial gallon or a US gallon? I’ve just noticed that petroleum spirit is 400 pounds a litre in the UK. Gin is 8.

That will learn ya to speak in local lingo.
1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liter

So you gotta do the math. They sell in liter in Taiwan.

American cars should do well with 92octane. They usually dont need the 95 and certainly not the 98 octane.

If your car requires Premium in the USA, then use the 95 octane.
If your car requires Regular in the USA, then use the 92 octane.

If you gotta Ferrari, then use the 98 octane.