How Much is Too Much

How Much For You?

  • Everyday
  • Twice a day
  • Three times a day
  • Four to six times a day
  • Once a week

0 voters

Serious question require serious answers.

Please, this is a poll for people who are in a sexual* relationship.

My friend wants to know if he needs to see a doctor or something.

I know it’s very personal, so maybe just a vote would suffice.

Thanks a lot!

How much sex* is too much?

*sex in this poll refers to number of orgasms, continuous or with intervals; with own or someone else’s left hand or right hand or both; with partner or partners; with inanimate objects, etc.


If it’s interfering with your – sorry, your friend’s – life, work or social life, or causing physical or mental pain, then it’s probably too much.
Otherwise, it’s up to the individual, isn’t it?
Also, I’d advise your friend against trying to have sex with his doctor. There are other ways to approach this.

Seriously… what sandman posted above.

I mean, so long as it doesn’t hurt one self or one’s other, and so long as it doesn’t interfere with other necessities of life, I don’t think there can be “too much”.

What should I say

It’s somewhere betwen 2-6 times. Now she’s gone so it’s boring to do it alone, but when she come home the first day will be 100% action, but then it will drop back to 2-3 times a day.

I doubt annyone has the same number off times everyday.

don’t know.

More than 50% of you have/want sex more than 3 times a day?
Holy crap that’s insane!
What are you - effin’ bunny rabbits?

[quote=“Josefus”]More than 50% of you have/want sex more than 3 times a day?
Holy crap that’s insane!
What are you - effin’ bunny rabbits?[/quote]

lol - yah, I am 22, I thought I was supposed to be like super horney…
I mean sometimes 2 times a day is cool- but how do u have time for more than that anyway?

What if she wants it more than you do, and you often find yourself thinking, “What am I? A machine?” :astonished:

Marry her. That’ll put an end to it.

[quote=“914”]Serious question require serious answers.

Please, this is a poll for people who are in a sexual* relationship.

My friend wants to know if he needs to see a doctor or something.

I know it’s very personal, so maybe just a vote would suffice.

Thanks a lot!

How much sex* is too much?

*sex in this poll refers to number of orgasms, continuous or with intervals; with own or someone else’s left hand or right hand or both; with partner or partners; with inanimate objects, etc.


Holy fuckin’ shit! Your “friend” isn’t married, is she? ( I mean “she OR he”)

[quote=“Josefus”]More than 50% of you have/want sex more than 3 times a day?
Holy crap that’s insane!
What are you - effin’ bunny rabbits?[/quote]

No more than 50% think that is too much right? ergo sum twice a day is what is required.

[quote=“Josefus”]More than 50% of you have/want sex more than 3 times a day?
Holy crap that’s insane!
What are you - effin’ bunny rabbits?[/quote]

No, just liars.

They’re not liars. It’s just that they can have sex 3 to 5 times a day because they’re quick on the triggers. 5 minutes, tops, that’s less than half an hour a day.

Wait a minute. This is a poll about wanking. Read the small print. Now it all makes sense.

Where’s the 10 times a day option? :wink:

[quote=“irishstu”]Wait a minute. This is a poll about wanking. Read the small print. Now it all makes sense.

Where’s the 10 times a day option? :wink:[/quote]

you ought to cut down on the wanking and use that time more wisely…taking showers would relieve the smell… :raspberry: