I am living in the States, and my mother is going back to Taiwan pretty soon.
She asked me to look up how much money is allowed to bring back to Taiwan.
I guess she meant the maximum without being taxed.
Anyone have any idea?
also, if taxes are out of the question, is there a limit still?
try here. If you can’t find the information you want you could call them. I seem to recall that you have to declare anything over $10,000US but I might be wrong.
Calling TECO is the best idea. I think you will find that the problem exists more on the U.S. border than here. The previous poster is correct. $10,000 cash was the limit last time I checked. Check also for entering Taiwan. Unless you look like Pablo Escobar, I doubt anybody is going to get excited but I still wouldn’t want to take the risk. Traveler checques can be used but banks here seem to make their own rules regarding these. One bank had my money to me in 2 working days. Another took 2 weeks. Not sure why other than banks just don’t seem to be used to them. I do know that if you try to secret some cash in a suit pocket, etc, and you get checked in the U.S., consider the money gone as it is presumed to be ill-gotten. Rarely, if ever returned.