Assuming you are a guy, how often do you leave the toilet seat down after leaking?
Rarely. My significant other doesn’t like it though.
Rarely and my significant other doesn’t mind.
Depends on whether I’m in a good mood
Most of the time
I love my girlfriend/wife so much that I always leave the toilet seat down.
Assuming you are a guy, how often do you put the toilet seat down after you use a bathroom or restroom shared by both genders?
I know many women give a fuss whenever their significant other forget or refuse to put the toilet seat down after taking a leak. What are the attitudes of Taiwanese women compared to American women regarding this issue?
From a woman’s perspective, if the guy you are living with has a habit of leaving the toilet seat up, would that be necessary grounds for rejecting him as a potential, permanent mate?
Always, I do as the girls … at home I sit down to pee … is better for the prostate … visiting friends I pee standing, gives them something to do after I leave … cleaning the rim … no, I’m not telling the truth, I always clean the rim after use …
Why in fuck is it rude for me to leave it up?
Seems to me like it’s rude of them to leave it down.
In more than 40 years of regular bog use, I have never once encountered any difficulty in putting the seat down when I needed it down, or up when I needed it up, thank you very much.
I have certainly never held anyone with whom I live responsible for situating the bathroom fixtures for me, why should the inverse be expected?
And yes, I wipe my own butt, too.
[quote=“the chief”]Why in fuck is it rude for me to leave it up?
Seems to me like it’s rude of them to leave it down.
In more than 40 years of regular bog use, I have never once encountered any difficulty in putting the seat down when I needed it down, or up when I needed it up, thank you very much.
I have certainly never held anyone with whom I live responsible for situating the bathroom fixtures for me, why should the inverse be expected?
And yes, I wipe my own butt, too.[/quote]
Does any nastiness escape when the seat is up?
Could a kitten or puppy fall in and drown?
When it’s down, you have less chance of dropping your phone in there.
Personally I leave it up, and f*ck off to anyone who says it’s wrong.
[quote=“Truant”]Being able to pee standing up is one of those things you do because you can.
Peeing outside is even better. Almost addictive.
oh, back OT. I usually put the seat down if there is a lady in the house. For no reason other than it was taught to me as good manners.[/quote]
What he said.
Besides, for the past couple of years we’ve both been putting the cover down too (whatever that thing’s called), as our recently-departed cat (non-existant-god rest his soul) kept falling into the bog. He didn’t die from that. btw.
In an ideal world, women wouldn’t have to share bathrooms with men. Luckily, I have a three-bedroom, two-fridge, two-bathroom apartment to myself. When my woman stays over, she gets her very own bathroom (which I never use whether she is there or not). But she doesn’t get her own fridge; I keep the second one for my other love.
If you’re having trouble with your aim, why not use the large low toilet bowl (I think some folks call it a bathtub)?
If I lift up the seat to pee, I leave it up. If I put down the seat to poo (or to pee while reading the paper), I leave it down. Simple as that. While growing up, nobody in our household cared if it was up or down - they were all capable of lifting or lowering the seat as they saw fit. I was never taught it was “rude” to leave the seat up.
[quote=“almas john”]Sandman,
If you’re having trouble with your aim, why not use the large low toilet bowl (I think some folks call it a bathtub)?[/quote]
Makes no difference. Think of a high pressure fire hose with no-one controlling it. That’s what I’m contending with.
[quote=“the chief”]Why in fuck is it rude for me to leave it up?
Ever had the little lady get up sleepy-eyed in the middle of the night for a wee, not turn on the light and go splash into the seatless bog? Trust me, you’ll save yourself a lot of grief by putting it down.
[quote=“citizen k”][quote=“the chief”]Why in fuck is it rude for me to leave it up?
Ever had the little lady get up sleepy-eyed in the middle of the night for a wee, not turn on the light and go splash into the seatless bog? Trust me, you’ll save yourself a lot of grief by putting it down. [/quote]
Ah, the old “women lack the gumption to even use the toilet correctly” argument. Sad but true, chief. Thsoe beings we love and revere so much aren’t even capable of keeping the piss off the backs of their legs. Honestly, why they can’t just use the closet when peeing at night like any normal male…
My little lady is no dummy - she’s capable enough to a) turn the light on and look and b) put the seat down if it’s up.
I always check the seat position before using the toilet; women are equally capable of doing the same.[/quote]
Damn straight, I live with TWO “little ladies” (one figurative, one literal) and even the Jeebis 7-year-old is smart enough to check, even in the dark, especially in the dark, before sitting down.
I do stupid shit all the time.
And I don’t get to blame it on anyone else.
Anyways, coming clean, all my prior is rhetoric, since, with the full-contact bathroom, Mama maintains an always-up rule to keep the seat dry.
So I’m laughing anyway.
[quote=“the chief”]Anyways, coming clean, all my prior is rhetoric, since, with the full-contact bathroom, Mama maintains an always-up rule to keep the seat dry.
So I’m laughing anyway.[/quote]
Damned right, in this part of the world the seat should be up to spare the little ladies a wet sit. It’s the gebtlemanly thing to do.
Now don’t get me started on this ill-fitting castrating lid thingees. They’re the real plague. You knwo the scene. Merrily midstrweam when suddenly WHAM! Hopefully nothing gets caught on the way down. Who designed them, the same person who wrote the Vagina Monologues?
By the way, tomorrow is Penis day, or PDay for short. It’s a day to spout glowingly about your favourite little man and all the wonderous adventures you can or have had together. It’s a fund raiser too. All proceeds go to keeping the little guy entertained - ALL DAY! Fortunately this year it’s on a Friday! Lucky, eh? I know I’ve got a special little present in mind for mine.
[quote=“citizen k”][quote=“the chief”]Why in fuck is it rude for me to leave it up?
Ever had the little lady get up sleepy-eyed in the middle of the night for a wee, not turn on the light and go splash into the seatless bog? Trust me, you’ll save yourself a lot of grief by putting it down. [/quote]
That’s actually happened to me before. Hence, since then I’ve always kept the damn thing down.
I have one awesome wife who actually LIFTS the seat after she has visited the throne.What’s more,it was never even an issue that was ever raised(no pun intended).Am I blessed,or what! :bravo:
Guess it’s all about the SOP’s of the individual household…personally, I take pleasure in the little niceties, like holding the door for a woman, etc…Guess that makes me a bit of a s.n.a.g…
Anyone that complains about such a vapid issue deserves intense ridicule. Might as well complain about the faucet angling over to the left side of the sink. In umpteen years of lifting up seats (and the occasional putting down), I have never once strained my wrists. It’s not that difficult, and can even be done while drowsy, medicated or just plain strung out.
Usually the limp-wristed ones that complain about it wouldn’t even dream of lifting it back up for any male-co-habitants.
And the whole suppposed handicap of the fairer sex with regards to positioning does not hold much water. If some folks have degenerated enough that they can’t take a quick scope of the immediate environment prior to depositing their waste, then they deserve to fall into the hole once and again. Even a brain-addled cur will scope out the scene before plopping.
Evolution is a nasty business…