How often do you NOT have sex?

How often do you NOT have sex, with yourself or anyone else?

  • ALL the time
  • Everyday
  • Never, I’m hung like a bear
  • Never, I’m a runway
  • Sex is that thing I did before the internet

0 voters

So, spill it.

Enquiring minds and all…

I’m doing it right now. Almost.

What, right now? Ok, I’ll try :wanker: :slight_smile: Sorry, not working. I’ll have to wait until i’m in the mood.

DAMN!!! “Almost.” I’d forgotten about that option. This being my first poll ever, you’ll forgive me won’t you?

I don’t understand the question. :blush:

Have you never not had sex? Man, you don’t not know what you aren’t missing.

I spent several years in my 20’s studying under a Tantric master in Goa.
I can not have sex for hours and hours and hours…

I’m saving myself for after I’m divorced.

That was really funny when I read it, and then I had to think about it a bit more, and it got REALLY funny. Had no idea you were so highbrow in your humor!


Jeeze! Anything for that magic number, eh, jd?

Nah, I just figured I should learn how to do a poll and this was right there in front of me. I’m not hung up on the number for that would bring shame. :smiley: