How often has China shot missiles into the straits?

It seems that from time to time I see statements in articles about Taiwan that China occassionally shoots a missile into the straights of taiwan just for the heck of it. So, what’s the poop on this? When was the last time it was done? How often has it been done?

Probably depends on just how far into the Straits you are talking. China conducts war games in the area quite frequently.

1995, when LTH became the only ROC president in recent memory to receive a visa to visit the United States.

I think it was 1996, wasn’t it?

Its a shame, lots of high ranking academia in the USA say that shouldn’t be the case, but admit that the cheap labor in China is just so enticing. Although even that isn’t lasting too long either. But apparently the brothels are a booming aplenty though, from Guangzhou to Lhasa.

Anyway, although just before the 96 elections was the last time, the missile build up is increasing dramatically. I don’t think China really believes Taiwan will unify. Pretty much shows that the CCTang, (I mean the Chinese Communist Party) only knows to flex its muscles or attempt to entice Taiwan in a “To Serve Man” sort of way.

Finally, didn’t the US send the 7th fleet into the strait, like 3 times in history?

A gentleman never tells how many times he “shot his missile into the straits.” Huh huh, huh huh.

“A gentleman never tells how many times he
‘shot his missile into the straits.’ Huh huh, huh huh.”

  • you know what they say. " you can’t be too thin, too rich
    or have too ribald a sense of humour!"
    well that’s what i say!

You know, I was convinced it was 1996 originally as well. I even posted it as such.

But a quick wikipedia search confirms everything (LTH’s visa and missile) occurred in '95. Thank god for the edit function.

I didn’t know it was ‘often’. The most recent memory I can recall on the missile shooting was in 1996.

The question should be more realitically reworded to, “Will China ever launch its missiles into Taiwan”. Under what possible circumstances (other than Independance declaration), and who will be the likely culprit, to instigate such provocation?

The question should be more realitically reworded to, “Will China ever launch its missiles into Taiwan”. Under what possible circumstances (other than Independance declaration), and who will be the likely culprit, to instigate such provocation?

A man I used to work with in the US, who immigrated from Taiwan about 20 years ago, said the Taiwanese Army and PLA used to run covert marine excursions into each others territories. The PLA would often hit one island’s guard post closest to Chinese coast in the dark of night. Every so often a few soldiers would get their throats cut. The Taiwanese soldiers dreaded getting assigned to this one post.

if i recall correctly. i remember that China lobbed some missiles OVER TAIWAN into the eastern part of taiwan (way past the 12 miles territorial waters).

there was some talk that this constituted WAR. however, the taiwanese defense ministry stated that since the missiles were actually IN SPACE when they overflew taiwan that this doesnt constitute war

Taiwans in no hurry to fight with China either

so if china lobbed some missiles OVER the USA WHILE in space? I wonder what the USA will think of it tho?

on the otherhand us spy satellites overfly CHINA DAILY , probably on the hour

[quote=“tommy525”]if i recall correctly. i remember that China lobbed some missiles OVER TAIWAN into the eastern part of Taiwan (way past the 12 miles territorial waters).

there was some talk that this constituted WAR. however, the Taiwanese defense ministry stated that since the missiles were actually IN SPACE when they overflew taiwan that this doesnt constitute war

Taiwans in no hurry to fight with China either

so if china lobbed some missiles OVER the USA WHILE in space? I wonder what the USA will think of it tho?[/quote]
They’d brandish the 7th fleet.

Its not like Chinese spy satellites don’t overfly the USA daily either.

You also have to account for the 6 US reconnaissance bases on Taiwan aimed at China.
There are 3 Chinese reconnaissance bases in Cuba, aimed at the USA

tommy, come on. Of course Chinese satellites fly over US landmass while in space. Sovereignty doesn’t extend into space.

Thus the blowing up of satelites in space… :laughing:


Taiwan has test-fired a cruise missile capable of hitting China, Taiwan’s United Daily News reported March 6, citing a military source. The missile, the Hsiung-feng 2E (Brave Wind) with a range of 360 miles, reportedly was test-fired Feb. 2 from the southern Chiupeng missile base. [/quote]

Perhaps someone could explain to me why report about a missile firing that occured over a month ago? Is this suppose to instill shock and awe to our enemies across the strait.

We could have all died last month and not even know about it… :laughing:

Usually you want to announce a missile launch before or during the event to your enemies.

This is like telling your family members you farted last month at the dinner table. It’s good for a laugh and nothing more. for tat

Tit for tat.