How old are people on Forumosa?

Are your calculation skills ok? It’s 68%.

If ageist means anti middle-aged far right neo-nazis then yes, I’m an ageist.


Dinosaurs like you just don’t get it, man.

I guess a few decades of experiencing Left/Socialist/Liberal, or whatever label you may call it , policies (and effects on lives), may change one’s views. Maybe I just don’t understand why satire and memes are so wrong. I am happy to see anti-Trump memes…if they are funny…even though I may not agree with the sentiment.

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Thanks for letting your true colors show. The world needs more tolerant people like you.

Yep, I got that wrong.

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What do you mean by this? (No joke) :thinking:

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Having reviewed my dodgy stats, what we’re seeing is a disproportionate number of posters aged 35 to 54. We need to attract more posters aged 55+ and, particularly, under 18. I’m thinking a link to Instagram combined with a Reader’s Digest prize draw.


Maybe after Picture Quiz wraps up we can start bingo night to attract some of the over-55s? And if you want to attract the under-18s, you have to say “Insta.”


Let’s put Gain in charge of attracting new people. We’ll probably have to beat people away with a stick.


He’s sadly no longer with us, but I have been out drinking with Tom Champagne on many occasions.

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I don’t know what’s the problem with having an older demographic.

As I mentioned a few years ago, if this site wants more younger folks they have to introduce video. A lot of them don’t like reading.

But how true is that? Facebook pushed a “pivot to video”, and that was recently revealed to be mostly nonsense, and actually, people didn’t want video.

On this site: yeah, the politics probably turns some people off. But so does unbridled negativity and posts that attack without offering anything constructive. And the general decline of forums in favor of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - with Reddit consuming many other topic-specific forums. Plus demographics has got to be part of it. I don’t have statistics, but it really seems like there are fewer westerners coming to live in Taiwan.

It’s true, Instagram, Facebook, SNAP. Call it video, stories…Whatever . Needs more visuals.

Which thread generated a lot of traffic recently. ‘Where is it …’

It’s called Snapchat not SNAP.

Research before you open your mouth


We need to only communicate thru memes and fortnight chat. Young people hate things that aren’t in meme format.


Why do the kids born in the mid 90s look 50 years old? :flushed: and the Gen Xers look 70… :sob:

It is on point though.

Lot’s of women are disguised as men.

that may not be the point of @Hanna.

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