How or where to obtain a "divorce decree"...

According to my countries representatives I need a “divorce decree” to be able to register my divorce in my home country, I’m aware that it needs to be authenticated by local Court or notary office before having it legalized at the bureau of consular affairs before it goes to my own countries representatives…
But I haven’t been able to figure out if the divorce degree is supposed to come from the court or family registration office, anyone has experience with this?

What’s the term in Chinese?

I’ve no idea… I’ve asked but didn’t get an answer on this question… I was hoping someone here would know…


Can’t it be divorce certificate 離婚證明書 from household registration office?

Or divorce paper 離婚協議書 you submitted to household registration office?

They don’t accept other than divorce decree 法院判決書及確定證明書?