What do you do about the gangster pimp type guys sitting in the back room watching TV that come out once they realize you’re hitting on her and yell at you in Taiwanese and tell you to buy some binlangs or get the hell outta there?
Not that it happened to me when I tried hitting on a binlang girl once or anything
Actually when I was sent to boot camp on Taiwan there was a girl in my class that grew up and went into the bing lang business with her family.
I don’t think 30,000 NT is going to get you to far with these girls. I mean honestly these girls know enough about Taiwan society that if they wanted to be prostitutes they would have worked in a barber shop or spa.
They don’t want sex and are not looking for their future husband or boyfriend at work. They just want to make a living and don’t mind pervs oogling them for a box of bing lang.
You woo a bing lang girl, counter girl, or waitress like any other respectable girl. You treat with some decency and respect. Not by throwing money at them, thinking that you’re saving from their mundane existence.
Binlang beauties are strictly for ogling and fantasizing about, but nothing else – unless they are going to grow up to be superstar Olympic gold-medalists, in which case they’re worth going for with all one’s got.
6. give her 30,000NT cash. don’t say something stupid like " if you do this I’ll give you money." just give it to her. she will feel obligated to you.just say, “well,I’ve got 30,000 I can give you.it’s okay”.[/quote]
That’s almost a 1000USD Aint no p#$#$y in the world that good unless you’ve had the goods and you know you’re whipped…And you can go cheaper if go outside the town limits
7. why this works: these girls are lazy. why work at the binlang shack,smokey wang ka, when you can prostitute yourself in a way that is accepted by society and has full deniabilty for the same amount (30,000NT boys)!
![/quote] Hmm…here we go again with rantheman’s need to have a therapy forum of his own…
NT$30,000 will buy you a decent lay for at least once a week, much more if you count Indonesian and Filipina caregivers who enjoy a bit on the side.
Why would you want to have some slag live with you when you can get 8 to 10 different ones each month?
Throw in a few from the meat markets and you’re a pretty busy guy.
Actually, Omni is right. Most of these girls are just that, and it’s more of a game than anything else. They are definitely susceptible to moving on to other, more randy pursuits, but not necessarily.
It’s like saying that every girl who gets a tattoo here in Taiwan must be very liberated and if you ask, they will come home with you for wild sex at the drop of a hat. Not necessarily true. Well, not for most of you non-stallions, that is.
[quote=“ac_dropout”]Actually when I was sent to boot camp on Taiwan there was a girl in my class that grew up and went into the binlang business with her family.
I don’t think 30,000 NT is going to get you to far with these girls. I mean honestly these girls know enough about Taiwan society that if they wanted to be prostitutes they would have worked in a barber shop or spa.
They don’t want sex and are not looking for their future husband or boyfriend at work. They just want to make a living and don’t mind pervs oogling them for a box of binlang.
You woo a binlang girl, counter girl, or waitress like any other respectable girl. You treat with some decency and respect. Not by throwing money at them, thinking that you’re saving from their mundane existence.[/quote]
ac-dropout always gets ragged on here (often deservedly for his political posts) but this post deserves to be re-read.
Good points, ac, and kudos for shaking the sick feeling of ‘colonial sexual liberator’ from this thread.
guys, it works. did i meet my wife this way, no. but i spent mega bucks on her. and am still spending the bucks on her. every girl likes bucks spent on her.
the question is HOW YOU DO IT! most of these nerdy guys with money here can only be a sugar daddy. i’m talking about becoming her knight in shining armor and all that julia roberts stuff.
[quote=“rantheman”]guys, it works. did i meet my wife this way, no. but i spent mega bucks on her. and am still spending the bucks on her. every girl likes bucks spent on her.
the question is HOW YOU DO IT! most of these nerdy guys with money here can only be a sugar daddy. I’m talking about becoming her knight in shining armor and all that julia roberts stuff.[/quote]
We want to see her picture.
Awww shucks well thanks…But im not taiwanese:cry:, i think that’s the important factor there but any time some of you guys feel like 'liberating’let me know… :raspberry:
I’d never thought of all this. I’m going to accept it all at face value and look dreamily at every binglang babe I see from now on thinking “I could have her if only I wasn’t er married, had NT$30k to throw away, and wasn’t so afraid of baseball bats with nails in them”.
Awww shucks well thanks…But I’m not Taiwanese:cry:, I think that’s the important factor there but any time some of you guys feel like 'liberating’let me know… :raspberry:[/quote]
You made it this far, what makes you think we think you needs liberating rather than the 30K down payment? lol
[quote=“rantheman”]guys, it works. did i meet my wife this way, no. but i spent mega bucks on her. and am still spending the bucks on her. every girl likes bucks spent on her.
the question is HOW YOU DO IT! most of these nerdy guys with money here can only be a sugar daddy. I’m talking about becoming her knight in shining armor and all that julia roberts stuff.[/quote]
In other words, your wife is a whore and you are her john.
No woman with an ounce of pride and self-respect leeches money from her lover. A normal girl should like me for me, not for my assets.
no. you guys are missing the whole point. you are saying this girl will choose little cugines (little tough guys) who have no future over a stand up guy with a future? where’s your confidence? i think all women are the same inside. you can lead them to the right way of thinking if YOU are the strong one. unless she’s absolutely totally lacking in class and is slow on the uptake, she’ll recognize you as the right pony.
girl loving you for you? which you? weak pathetic you, or strong confident you?
it’s always strings attached. women like a strong man. when i toughened up, i got plenty.