How to handle racism

Say you’re a poor unemployed Bulgarian. Would you rather mug someone in your own country, or cross the borders all the way to Germany or France to burglarize houses over there? Remember, you only need an ID to cross borders within the Schengen area.


Sad to hear, any evidence for that ?

I think we should have a national racism day just to let out some steam officially

Hey slanty-eyes, hey full eyes!

Hey darkie, hey melanin deprived pinkie!

Hey shortie, hey tallie!

Hey blondie, hey reddie

Hey paleface, hey saturated face


If anybody has any spare melanin I’m willing to trade some sub albino genes. I need natural sun tan. :grin:


I didn’t know anything about albino till this:


I have no idea what this is …

It’s the albino from the movie Da Vinci code inflicting himself with pain

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Ahhh ok … now I get it. That movie, even though I saw it, was apparently wiped from my memory banks.

Are you serious? OK, I have no evidence.

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Last time I arrived in South Africa, this dude approached me and said “You can use my taxi, Sir.” I was apprehensive. He was dressed like a tramp. Then he’s like, “Let me carry your bags to the car.” I’m “Nah, thanks.” Now I’m starting to freak out.
Then he picks up my suitcases and starts charging off with them. I’m like “Fuuuuuck!”
I run after him and start looking around for cops. Eventually I catch up. He’s loading them in the trunk. He opens the back door. “Please get in, Sir. Where would you like to go?”
Best damn taxi trip I ever had. We chatted for nearly an hour. Lovely bloke.


Here’s a question for the masses. What country lacks racism?

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Well none, obviously.


North Korea. No racism when everyone is equally oppressed. It’s probably the most egalitarian country in the world. Youre fucked from day 1. Doesn’t matter what race.


Yeah, the most racially homogeneous countries are internally the least racist. Bit of a weird way of looking at it, but correct.

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Precisely. So whats the point in comparisons about other countries? The post is about canadian racism. Irish racism being such and such doesnt offer much help.

Luckily you are Asian. They get it a bit better than both the indians. Equallyu nhelpfull, but fun nonetheless :slight_smile:

I wonder about the smiling thing in canada. It is absolutely culturaly, especially amongst the whites, to smile nod say hello etc. At least recognize the others existence. If one makes eye contact and refuses, it is like a subtle F you. So I totally get your frustration. Maybe get a hat with a passive aggressive funny.slogan? If you are female, maybe a tight shirt, and give em s hit when they look to read. White people have pulled that one for years with great success.

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I actually remember hearing defectors get treated really well. Especially american defectors.

The point with comparisons with other countries is some countries are generally more racist than other countries. For example, Sweden is generally less racist than Poland.

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Exactly!!! You totally get the cultural reference. It’s the cultural etiquette - especially amongst Caucasians in Canada - to smile, nod, say hello. It‘s absolutely an “F you” to refuse to acknowledge others’ existence, especially when others acknowledge them first. Like the other day, I said hi and this older Caucasian female neighbour looked away and down and started walking away. F her. :fu: People who don’t know don’t get the reference. People in the know recognize this subtlety. And I’ve experienced this so many times from (mostly) Caucasians in life, work, etc. If I’m getting so many F yous, what’s the point of living here. People in Taiwan are much friendlier.

To your point, I’ve seen some (mostly) non-Asian female minorities wear those t-shirts you described. I think one read “Don’t look at my boobs” or something like that, lol. Perhaps Asian females are too classy for tight t-shirts. Hat is a good suggestion.

Maybe I should start giving those same people the “F you” just like what they do themselves.

P.S. This is by no means stereotyping. However, from my experience most “F yous” were directed at me from older, over middle aged Caucasians.

Ya, sucks but it happens. To be fair though, if you were in taiwan as a foreigner you would face similar levels of racial AND gender frustrations, as you will read lots about here.

Moving here might not be so much to escape racsim as it is to be with your own kind in a way. Jail style. Not sure if that will really solve problems, but worth thinking about. Personally I find canada pretty good in general as far as racism goes. Toronto, is in my eyes, not an awesome place to live. In my circles we tend to feel they are always a bit cold, even to other white folk. perhaps something along the lines of Taipei compared to most of the rest of taiwan. Some like it, others hate it. I suggest west coast to you :slight_smile:


So is this general attitude the definition of ‘Onterrible’ that I hear about from the Oilbertans?