My friend already broken up with her ex-bf over seven months.
But she still cant forget him and still care about him a lot.
The worst thing is she always feel upset and cant be happy for doing anything.
I am worried about her a lot,I think the way I can cheer her up is helping her find a new guy and let they hang out a lot.
Where I can find a good guy for her?
I am sure its not in the bar or night club…
Any idea?
There’s an organisation called Charity Shag International that helps young women get over ex-boyfriends. I believe there’s a branch in Taipei; I’ll see if I can find their contact details.
I’m not bitter, I’m just 32 and not a child any more. I am cynical, easily bored and bullshit averse, but I like to think I’m full of joy in life and not bitter. I’ve had some wonderful relationships with foreigner boys in Taiwan. Only got dumped for some slapper in a bar once, and admittedly it wasn’t much fun but I got the last laugh (that’s a fun story, but not suitable for delicate forumosan ears).
I AM interested in why men always call women bitter if they do anything other than simper at them, though. It doesn’t wind me up and I don’t think it’s true; I just don’t really get it. Am I supposed to feel bad or jealous because friends have found their soulmate/a shag with Taiwanese people? Because I don’t. (apart from the dirrty old hoor mentioned above) I’m pitching to a different crowd, y’see.
So your friend doesn’t want to try the pubs and clubs? Nothing but dens of thieves and perverts, those places are. No one on this website would even think about patronizing such depraved hovels, much less buy one and advertise it on No maam, not here.
But we must think of something, as we simply cannot allow your friend to suffer. So how about this? Wait for some good weather and head over to Tianmu with your friend. There’s loads of foreigners there you know. When you a see a suitable prospect strutting down the road, rush over and hand him a note with the following words written in glitter ink:
Do you like my friend?
Yes or No
(Circle One)
Then point over at your friend and nod your head enthusiastically. Make sure you have a pen handy so he can promptly provide his answer. If the answer is “Yes,” maybe your friend and the friendly foreign male can hold hands while you call the rest of your friends on your cell phone and tell them what happened. Maybe after a couple of weeks her parents could chaperone them somewhere to get an ice cream cone.
You’re not going to find the love of your life after breaking up a long-term relationship. (I wouldn’t consider seven months long term myself, but I’m sure she’s thinking she gave up on the love of her life.)
Your friend needs a rebound relationship to get over her previous relationship. She should go to a bar or club (the skankier, the better), hook up with any random waiguoren, give it a shot with the guy for a couple of weeks, and then when she realizes she isn’t into the guy at all, leave him. Only then will she be ready for a new relationship.
[quote=“diorberry”][quote=“Buttercup”]A little editing, there, diorberry…
Nothing wrong with not liking Taiwanese guys and only wanting ‘foreigners’.[/quote]
Ok.I just dont wanna make people misunderstand what I mean.
I think she like western men since her ex is a western man maybe.[/quote] In this case she should even meet more (foreigners) no matter in the bar, night club or somewhere else (good people also go to the bars). Be friends first not jumping into a relationship at once. Once she knows more, she will know what kind of men is what she wants and what kind of is not.