How to know the legality of my electricity bill

Hello, I’m living in Guting, Taipei.
Last week I saw in a rent forum someone who was looking for a person to take over their lease. She said that the rate for her electricity bill was 7 NTD/kWh. Then the comments said that it was ilegal for the landlord to charge so high for the electricity bill.
I pay 7 NTD/kWh so off course I want to know about the legality of it. And if it’s ilegal, how can I find the information necessary to show my landlord so she could lower the price?

Thank you in advance.

Ask landlord to see the actual electricity bill from TaiPower.
Proof is in the pudding.

Welcome, by the way.

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Does it come with anything else, like gas, internet, water, cable, etc?

it is in 住宅轉租定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項 “Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Contracts for Subleasing Rental Housing”.

租賃住宅條例公告後,規範 電費 每度收費不得超過台灣電力公司所定夏季用電量最高級距之每度金額。 所以房東的電費收取只要不超過現在規定 6.41元/度 ,就不算違法。 但畢竟電費收取是代收費用,房東不可以此營利,若發現房東有超收行為,房客可向當地縣(市)政府的地政局(處)、消保官檢舉。
常見租賃糾紛 - 財團法人崔媽媽基金會


No. Actually I pay a different amount for internet, cable TV, water, and public area cleaning.
I am charged for this, another 1,400 NTD each month.

Thank you so much!

Demand they include internet, cable, water, etc. because 7nt is too much. 6nt is the highest I have ever seen and that’s simply because it’s one unit with a bunch of residents so they get a higher rate, but often stuff like internet, cable, etc. is included.

For any issue involving a small fraction of the monthly rent, I’d be considering how to raise it tactfully, or even if it was worth bringing it up and might not lead to additional expenses for me down the road.