How to use 'segue' (linguistically)

Hi Lori,

The logo is still being tweaked, although I think we’re almost there.

The color of the moth is just supposed to be different from the standard maroon-gold-grey scheme of the site. It’s actually being rendered by friends of mine, so I’m also always guessing what will come next :slight_smile:

So it’s a moth now. Well, I think it looks better everday. Frankly, I’m jealous, Gus. But thanks for turning us on to phpBB. We at Taiwan Ho! were happy to be your guinea pigs though you have done a lot more with the hacks than I knew was possible. :wink:

Just curious Gus, how you did you come up with the name?

I like the colors too, and someone mentioned that you can check for ‘posts since your last visit’ which is great. I don’t like having to go through all the forums either.

I wish I could browse some more, but it looks like you’ve got quite a few ‘volunteers’ already to find all the kinks.


Hey Gus, I think I mentioned this before but just in case…

Whenever I come back to Segue, I’ve opted not to “save my username and password” so I default as a guest. Problem is that whenever I want to reply to a thread, I am taken to a posting page which doesn’t allow me to enter my registration info, meaning that I have to find the separate login button, LOG IN, and then return to the original thread that I wanted to post in to reply using my Username/Password. Kind of a pain… any way around this? I think that’s what happened to Sandman upstairs as well.


Hey Gus, just a suggestion…

Ever consider the idea of having the logo animated such that it SPINS?

Slowly of course, with 1 side of the coin as you have it now (with the word for “change”), but then have it slowly spin to show the other side of the coin.

And the character for the other side be… TADUM… the character for “WAN” (Tai-wan’s “WAN”). It’s a play both on the Chinese character and the meaning, because WAN without the water particle actually means TURN!

Kind of neat actually, plus this way you could eliminate the BUTTERFLY aspect of the logo and have it even more relevant to the site’s purpose. Just a thought…

This is only a problem if you are a Guest and you wish to reply to a thread in one of the Registered Not Required Discussion forums. If you try to reply to a Registration Required Forum, you are first sent to a login page.

I’ve added a login link next to the Username box for Guests who reply in a Registered Not Required forum. However, after you log-in, you will have to click back all the way to where you werre replying – so it will still be a pain

I recommend that each time you visit, make it a point to login before doing any reading. Then logout whenever you feel like posting anonymously.

Thanks for the suggestion, and the idea. With all the staring I’ve been doing these days at computer monitors, a spinning logo is probably going to make me ill (dizzy). I have been asking for an animated logo where the bug flaps its wings every now and then – but my friends haven’t come up with that yet (these things take time, especially when you are getting it for free :wink:)

I’m hoping the bug symbolizes enough “natural transition” anyway. Incidentally, my girlfriend has made it a point to show me every instance where butterflies are overused in Marketing :frowning:

Thank you, Jennifer.

“segue” is one of those buzzwords you hear alot out of the mouths of business school career counsellors. I’m graduating in a few months, so it has certainly been in my head.

I’ll add this question to the FAQ now :slight_smile:

You 'DA MAN, gus!

Nice job. Like it. :smiley:

Now I understand the butterfly… segue… change. But I have to tell you, Gus, I am a tiny bit disappointed that you have a girlfriend.



Looks cool so far… However, I am a Scandinavian purist and like my design simple. :mrgreen:

But well, I think the new strategy is a great improvement and I am happy to have a third-row seat to the sequel :wink:

The butterfly is my favorite part of the design. NYAH. :wink:

I am not nuts about the reddish color but will live with it till it goes away someday, as all page designs must.