How was your ride today?

Great ride up Balaka to Datun Shan and Lengshuikeng and back down through Pingdengli - very happy about performance since this time I did not stop on the Datun Shan climb despite the computer indicating the route as stairs.


I did not stop (walking my bike up those 20% grade hairpins) either :sweat_smile:
How cold was it up there? I’d imagine a jacket would be necessary these days.

It was (thankfully) overcast and although a bit cool at the top a jacket was not necessary, though I could imagine in October needing one. Only downside was the view wasn’t so clear - a clear Winter day would be best🤔

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Nice to bump into @ericinformosa at the foot of the Balaka climb this morning. He even waited for me at the top too. :sweat_smile: My first time up YMS since I started riding again.


And I sooo try to hide my identity … Busted …:sneezing_face:


Ha. Took me five seconds. :laughing:

We came upon this, apparently the guy was taken off in an ambulance 15 mins earlier. We retrieved the bike and took it to the nearest police station in the hope he will be able to get it himself soon. The helmet was next to the bike and broken. This was in WanLi - it put a downer on the day for sure.


Aye! Did the rider wipe out due to getting caught in that grill? :grimacing:


Why did he pass over that? cars were pushing him out to the road shoulder?

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Since it was fairly easy for us to lift the bike out from the grid I suspect that the rider was incapacitated in order to have not been able to do it themselves. I really hope that will be okay. We did not see any blood on the floor. It was close to a big junction so I wonder if they were filtering down the side of a line of waiting cars and it all went horribly wrong.


Incorrect judgement call, perhaps.

Are these vertical only sewer grates common? Usually they have bars going both ways.

Hmmm not always.

That design is so incredibly stupid it’s hard to believe.

Tell Hou You-yi to get this sh&t fixed!



I’ve seen narrower versions in the short tunnels that connect from, um, Beitou to the riverside paths? I’ve been over them many times but they still make me a bit nervous, for exactly the reason seen in the picture above.


Mind sharing where exactly this is? If you guys run into issues like this on the road, be sure to take pics and call 1999 to report (or ask a fellow cyclist who can speak mandarin to call)


Close to here 25.17539548889311, 121.68733526769628 if you use street view and look back looking Eastwards you can see it behind a blue truck.

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I’ve heard horror stories of this happen, particularly in singapore where the drain holes run parallel to the road. The guy I met who this happened to (not this instance) lost the use of his legs :cry:

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That’s one of my nightmares. I always try to avoid drains, or going diagonally over them.

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They aren’t that common which is why I suspect this poor soul felt it was ok to be that close to the gutter. These are very common and of course a bit less dangerous…